Dynaconf is a library aimed to be the best choice to manage configuration in Python.
It can read settings from various sources including environment variables, files, config servers, vaults etc.
It works for any kind of Python programs including Flask and Django extensions.
It is highly customizable and heavily tested.
Choose one option.
Execute this project on Gitpod https://gitpod.io/#https://github.com/rochacbruno/learndynaconf
Easily explore these files on https://github.surf/rochacbruno/learndynaconf
Explore this project on repl.it https://repl.it/@rochacbruno/dynaconfplayground#README.md
Requirements: Python 3.6+
git clone https://github.com/rochacbruno/learndynaconf.git
cd learndynaconf
pip install dynaconf jinja2
python main.py
dynaconf -i config.settings --help
dynaconf -i config.settings list
Open and read the files on this project in the following order
- config.py (settings and validation) <- START READING THIS
- default_settings.toml (default values)
- settings.toml (main settings)
- .secrets.toml (gitignored sensitive settings)
- envfile/.env (environment variables exported)
(the main program)
Full docs on https://dynaconf.com
- Learn more on: https://dynaconf.com
- Contribute on: https://github.com/rochacbruno/dynaconf
- Sponsor on: https://opencollective.com/dynaconf
- Pro support on: https://xscode.com/rochacbruno/dynaconf
Bruno - https://twitter.com/rochacbruno