This Django application provides a platform for users to manage their recipes, taking into account personal preferences, allergies, and favorites. The following models are used to store and manage the data:
SimpleRecipe: This model represents a simple recipe with only two fields:
recipeKey: An integer field that serves as the primary key for the model.
recipeName: A character field that contains the name of the recipe. The maximum length is set to 60 characters.
SimpleIngredient: This model represents a simple ingredient with the following fields:
Ingredients_ID: An integer field that serves as the primary key for the model.
Ingredients_Name: A character field that contains the name of the ingredient. The maximum length is set to 60 characters.
SimpleNERIngredient: This model represents a Named Entity Recognition (NER) ingredient:
recipeKey: An integer field that connects the NER ingredient to the corresponding recipe.
NER_Name: A character field that contains the named entity recognized ingredient. The maximum length is set to 60 characters.
SimpleRecipeIngredientBlurb: This model represents a recipe ingredient blurb:
recipeKey: An integer field that connects the ingredient blurb to the corresponding recipe.
ingredients: A text field that contains the full list of ingredients for the recipe.
SimpleRecipeDirection: This model represents a recipe direction:
recipeKey: An integer field that connects the direction to the corresponding recipe.
directions: A text field that contains the full list of directions for the recipe.
SimpleMaster: This model serves as a master model that consolidates all the information for a recipe:
recipeKey: recipeKey: An integer field that serves as a unique identifier for the SimpleMaster model and establishes a connection to related models.
recipeTitle: A text field that contains the title of the recipe.
recipeIngredients: A text field that contains the full list of ingredients for the recipe
recipeDirections: A text field that contains the full list of directions for the recipe.
recipeNER: A text field that contains the Named Entity Recognition (NER) processed ingredients for the recipe.
recipeImage: An optional image field that contains an image of the recipe. It is set to accept null values and can be left blank.
This document provides an overview of the file in the CartBuilder Django web application. The views handle the logic and rendering of the different pages within the application.
Handles the logic and rendering for the home page.
Selects a random recipe from the SimpleMaster model for display in the "Food for Thought" card.
Picks a random review from a hard-coded list of reviews for display in the "Review Cards" section.
Retrieves the latest three recipes for the "Top Recipe Card" section.
Renders the home.html template with the selected recipe, review, and latest recipes.
Renders the about.html template for the About page.
Retrieves all recipes from the SimpleMaster model
Renders the recipes.html template with the full list of recipes.
Retrieves a specific recipe from the SimpleMaster model based on the requestedRecipeKey parameter
Renders the recipe.html template with the selected recipe.
Searches the SimpleMaster model for recipes containing the user's search term in the recipeNER field.
Renders the search.html template with the search results and the search query.
Searches the SimpleMaster model for recipes containing the user's search term in the recipeTitle field.
Renders the search.html template with the search results and the search query.
Handles the logic for adding a new recipe to the SimpleMaster model.
When the user submits a form with the recipe information, a new instance of the SimpleMaster model is created and saved.
A success message is displayed, and the user is redirected to the /cartbuilder URL.
Renders the add_recipe.html template for the Add Recipe form.
Renders the ingredients.html template for the Ingredients page.
Renders the allergies.html template for the Allergies page.
Renders the login.html template for the Login page.
Renders the registration.html template for the Login page.
Ryan Fagen
Yassine Ben Addi
Robert Daniels
Thomas Whitworth