By R. Kenny Jones, Aalia Habib, and Daniel Ritchie
SHRED is a method for 3D SHape REgion Decomposition that consumes a 3D shape as input and uses learned local operations to produce a segmentation that approximates fine-grained part instances. A merge-threshold parameter can be adjusted to change decomposition granularity depending on the target downstream application
Presented at Siggraph Asia 2022.
title={SHRED: 3D Shape Region Decomposition with Learned Local Operations},
author={Jones, R. Kenny and Habib, Aalia and Ritchie, Daniel},
journal={ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), Siggraph Asia 2022},
pages={Article 186},
To run SHRED, please take the following steps. Tested with python 3.8, cuda 11, PyTorch 1.10 and Ubuntu 20. Steps should be run from inside the code directory.
- Create a new conda environment sourced from environment.yml, by running:
conda env create -f environment.yml
- Verify the binaries for the pointNet++ models are working, details in the methods/pointnet2 folder README
To rerun our experiments, or retrain SHRED's models:
change the USER variable in to point to a version of partNet
run python3 -- this will generate dataset information for all categories we run experiments on
We provide which writes region decompositions predicted by different methods to point cloud objs, where each region is given a random color.
To run, first download, put it in the code directory, and unzip it. This file holds test-set predictions for different region decomposition methods over 10k points for each shape.
Then, for instance, to visualize the first chair of the test-set for each method run:
python3 -inds 0 -c chair
We include checkpoints of trained SHRED models in code/def_models. To create a region decomposition for a new mesh input.obj, run the following command:
python3 input.obj out.obj -mn_mt {MT}
This will save a colored point cloud to out.obj, where each region is given a different color. MT sets the merge-threshold, if not set the default is 0.5
We provide evaluation logic in to run method inference on test-set shapes from PartNet. Use the -mt flag to choose the SHRED method:
python3 -mt srd -mn_mt 0.5 -svn {NAME}
The metric outputs of will be written to results/ and the per-point predictions will be saved to save_results/ , where the name is set by the -svn {NAME} flag.
To test this script is working you can use the flags ' -mx 1 -indc chair -otdc , ', which will run inference for a single chair test-set shape.
To retrain the split network, run:
python3 -mt split_net -en {EXP_NAME}
To retrain the fix network, run:
python3 -mt fix_net -en {EXP_NAME}
To retrain the merge network, run:
python3 -mt merge_net -en {EXP_NAME}
Please see README in code/methode/baselines for information on how to evaluate and retrain the baselines we compare against.
The code directory contains all code for our models and experiments. Method implementations can be found in the code/methods directory.
The data folder is where datasets go, after creation.
The hier folder contains the shape grammars from PartNet that we use to parse PartNet data.