dockerized environment for ROS tutorials
fork this repo and clone it to your local machine
navigate to the turtlesim directory
run .docker/
to build the docker image or .docker/
to build the docker image if you are using zsh
run .docker/
to run the docker container or .docker/
if you have an nvidia gpu and have installed the nvidia docker package
This will mount the users home directory to the container and run the container in interactive mode. You will not own the workspace run sudo chown -R $USER /dev_ws
to take ownership of the workspace.
terminator is installed in the container and can be run with terminator
Add the following to your .bashrc (located in home/$USER) to automatically source the ROS environment when opening a new shell in the container.
if [ -f "/dev_ws/setup.bash" ]; then
source /dev_ws/setup.bash
or if you are using zsh to your .zshrc
if [ -f "/dev_ws/setup.zsh" ]; then
source /dev_ws/setup.zsh
requires the following vscode extensions to be installed
devcontainer.json is included in the .docker directory of this repo.
In vs code go to the Docker tab in the side bar. Right click on the container named turtlesim:latest. Select attach vscode.
In vs code open the command palette (Ctrl-Shift-P). Select Remote-containers: Open attached container configuration file. Copy paste content of devcontainer.json and save. Close the vscode window and reattach.