I use Gatsby.js now for my site. This workflow is still useful for creating standalone HTML files or PDFs (and Word eventually)
This is a repository demonstrating converting markdown to HTML. It contains early drafts of personal project write-ups1 and blog posts for goutam.io
The workflow is made possible with 2Pandoc and 3Tufte CSS.
Generating articles from Pandoc markdown
There is a lot of benefit to having content written in markdown. Primarily, it allows one to spend less time customizing the look via a WYSIWYG editor such as Wordpress or Microsoft Office tools and more time actually writing. Additionally, it is simpler to use than .
flowchart TB
classDef input fill:aliceblue;
classDef output fill:papayawhip;
start(["Create *.md files\n \nPlace in sibling\n directory to src/"])
markdown[/"🔤 my-article.md"/]:::input
subgraph pypandoc ["🐍 pypandoc converter"]
html[/"🙌 my-article.html"/]:::output
pdf[/"✨ my-article.pdf"/]:::output
word[/"🤷 my-article.docx"/]:::output
start-->markdown-->pypandoc-->html & pdf & word
This repo contains blog posts cross-posted on NYC Data Science as well as personal articles ↩
Pandoc (and several filters) process the Pandoc markdown files. I am using pypandoc as a Pandoc wrapper. Filters include: pandoc-sidenote mermaid-filter pandoc-plot lua-filters ↩
See Dave Liepmann's port of Edward R. Tufte's style to CSS ↩