Tachons for React Native brings functional styling to react-native. This module uses naming convention defined by Tachons and comes with theming support.
- Less code
- No need to maintain a separate stylesheet
- No need to find a proper name for every component you want to style
- Looking at a component tells you exactly how it looks, it's all in one place.
- And more
import { addTheme, setTheme } from 'tachyons-react-native'
// the first theme is considered to be the default theme
addTheme('light', {
primary: '#19AEA2',
primaryText: '#464646',
secondary: '#464646',
ternary: '#F8FAFE',
accent: '#FF5762',
divider: '#D1D1D1',
shadow: '#F8F7F7',
page: '#F0f0F0',
card: '#FFFFFF',
success: '#7CBB00',
error: '#F65314',
navigation: '#565A5C',
title: '#474747',
subtitle: '#82898D',
description: '#595959',
placeholder: '#A2A4A5',
border: '#DADADE',
transparent: 'transparent'
// second theme if you need
addTheme('dark', {
primary: '#464646',
// call setTheme to set default theme
import React from 'react'
import { View, Text, TouchableOpacity } from 'react-native'
import './theme'
import { styles as s } from 'tachyons-react-native'
export default class App extends React.Component {
render () {
return (
<View style={[s.flex, s.alignCenter, s.justifyCenter, s.primaryBg]}>
<Text style={[s.tc, s.b, s.i, s.ba, s.primaryText]}>Open up App.js to start working on your app!</Text>
</View >
import React from 'react'
import { View, Text, TouchableOpacity } from 'react-native'
import './theme'
import { styles as s, withTheme } from 'tachyons-react-native'
export default withTheme(class App extends React.Component {
render () {
return (
<View style={[s.flex, s.alignCenter, s.justifyCenter, s.primaryBg]}>
<Text style={[s.tc, s.b, s.i, s.ba, s.primaryText]}>Open up App.js to start working on your app!</Text>
<TouchableOpacity onPress={() => this.props.setTheme(this.props.theme === 'dark' ? 'light' : 'dark')}>
<Text>Toggle Theme</Text>
</View >
${name} | {"color": ${color}} |
${name}TextShadow | {"textShadowColor": ${color}} |
${name}TextDecoration | {"textDecorationColor": ${color}} |
${name}Bg | {"backgroundColor": ${color}} |
${name}Ba | {"borderColor": ${color}} |
${name}Bt | {"borderTopColor": ${color}} |
${name}Br | { borderRightColor: ${color} } |
${name}Bb | {"borderBottomColor": ${color}} |
${name}Bl | {"borderLeftColor": ${color}} |
${name}Tint | {"tintColor": ${color}} |
${name}Overlay | {"overlayColor": ${color}} |
primary | {"color": ${color}} |
primaryTextShadow | {"textShadowColor": ${color}} |
primaryTextDecoration | {"textDecorationColor": ${color}} |
primaryBg | {"backgroundColor": ${color}} |
primaryBa | {"borderColor": ${color}} |
primaryBt | {"borderTopColor": ${color}} |
primaryBr | { borderRightColor: ${color} } |
primaryBb | {"borderBottomColor": ${color}} |
primaryBl | {"borderLeftColor": ${color}} |
primaryTint | {"tintColor": ${color}} |
primaryOverlay | {"overlayColor": ${color}} |
flex | {"flex": 1} |
flex0 | {"flex": 0} |
flex1 | {"flex": 0.1} |
flex2 | {"flex": 0.2} |
flex3 | {"flex": 0.3} |
flex4 | {"flex": 0.4} |
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flex6 | {"flex": 0.6} |
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flex9 | {"flex": 0.9} |
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flexWrap | {"flexWrap": "wrap"} |
flexNowrap | {"flexWrap": "nowrap"} |
flexColumnReverse | {"flexDirection": "column-reverse"} |
flexRowReverse | {"flexDirection": "row-reverse"} |
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itemsCenter | {"alignItems": "center"} |
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itemsStretch | {"alignItems": "stretch"} |
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selfBaseline | {"alignSelf": "baseline"} |
selfStretch | {"alignSelf": "stretch"} |
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justifyCenter | {"justifyContent": "center"} |
justifyBetween | {"justifyContent": "space-between"} |
justifyAround | {"justifyContent": "space-around"} |
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bMidGray | {"borderColor": "#555"} |
bGray | {"borderColor": "#777"} |
bSilver | {"borderColor": "#999"} |
bLightSilver | {"borderColor": "#aaa"} |
bMoonGray | {"borderColor": "#ccc"} |
bLightGray | {"borderColor": "#eee"} |
bNearWhite | {"borderColor": "#f4f4f4"} |
bWhite | {"borderColor": "#fff"} |
bWhite90 | {"borderColor": "rgba( 255, 255, 255, .9 )"} |
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gray | {"color": "#777"} |
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moonGray | {"color": "#ccc"} |
lightGray | {"color": "#eee"} |
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lightYellow | {"color": "#fbf1a9"} |
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lightPink | {"color": "#ffa3d7"} |
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lightGreen | {"color": "#9eebcf"} |
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