Instructions for setting up Haskell editors/IDE
"Everything that can be automated should be automated" - Future Robot Overlords
HIE together with compatible plugins usually offers more features than the average Haskell multi-feature plugin + compatible plugins. Some exceptions are: IntelliJ IDEA which has a very good set of features (and HIE does not have an IDEA plugin yet) and Leksah (which also does not have a HIE plugin but offers quite a lot of features itself).
To see a list of Haskell IDE Engine features see: HIE features
For a list of editor / IDE features see: rainbyte/haskell-ide-chart
Choose your operating system and continue the steps required for it:
- download Git from here
- install it
- Type Windows key, type
and press Enter. - Navigate to
Local Computer Policy > Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > System > Filesystem
- Double click on
Enable Win32 long paths
- Click on
- Click on
- Close
Local Group Policy Editor
- Reboot your operating system
Install the Haskell Tool Stack
- download Haskell Stack installer
- install Haskell Stack through the installer, the default settings should be fine
- press Win+E
- open the root of one of your drives where you want to clone Haskell IDE Engine
- right click in the folder and click on
Git Bash Here
- clone Haskell IDE Engine with:
git clone
- run
cd haskell-ide-engine
- run
stack ./install.hs hie-8.6.5
asynchronously (go graba cup of coffee, or do something else while it installs, etc. - it will take a while, took 44m 43s for me) - run
stack ./install.hs build-data
Nix is a package manager that is very good at doing successful installs.
If you require any system level libraries to use in the project you are working on it is recommended to use Nix to provide them and then do your development inside a nix-shell
Doing Haskell development on Windows is not recommended since many Haskell packages have issues building on Windows. For doing development while using Widnows as your OS the recommended options are to use either a VMWare virtual machine (preferred) or Windows Subsystem for Linux (unrecommended since the build times are much slower).
Developing on Linux or MacOS should work fine.
To install Nix in your OS run:
curl | sh
Create the file ~/.nixpkgs/config.nix
and copy paste this into it:
config = {
allowUnfree = true;
packageOverrides = pkgs: with pkgs;
let jdk = openjdk11; in rec {
unstable = import <nixpkgs> { inherit config; };
all = pkgs.buildEnv {
name = "all";
paths = [
binutils.bintools # required on WSL
in config
And run following command to install the GHC
and cabal-install
nix-env -i all
Editors that are easy to set up are Atom, Visual Studio Code, IntelliJ IDEA Community or Sublime Text 3.
Editors / IDEs list and their Nix package name:
- Atom - atom
- Visual Studio Code - vscode
- Emacs - emacs
- Spacemacs - emacs (and then install the spacemacs layer)
- Neovim - neovim
- Vim - vim
- Leksah - install instructions
- IntelliJ IDEA Community - jetbrains.idea-community
- Sublime Text 3 - sublime3
To install:
- pick your editor(s) from the list above
- add the editor(s) Nix package name(s) to the packages list inside
- run
nix-env -i all
to install the editors you chose
Continue with:
- using Atom, VSCode, Emacs, Spacemacs, Neovim, Vim or Sublime Text 3
- using IntelliJ IDEA Community
- using Leksah
In ~/.nixpkgs/config.nix
add to the let
all-hies = import (fetchTarball "") {};
and add following to the list of packages - change the GHC list to the ones you will want to have available (eg. ghc864
or ghc864 ghc863 ghc843
(all-hies.selection { selector = p: { inherit (p) ghc864; }; })
if you wish to install HIE for all GHC versions because you switch between projects with different GHC versions a lot then you can use this instead:
(all-hies.selection { selector = p: p; })
installing all HIE versions will take a long time to install
after adding HIE your configuration should look something like the following:
all-hies = import (fetchTarball "") {};
config = {
allowUnfree = true;
packageOverrides = pkgs: with pkgs;
let jdk = openjdk11; in rec {
unstable = import <nixpkgs> { inherit config; };
all = pkgs.buildEnv {
name = "all";
paths = [
(all-hies.selection { selector = p: { inherit (p) ghc864; }; })
in config
run nix-env -i all
to install HIE
- nix
- language-haskell
- atom-ide-ui
- ide-haskell-hie (Haskell IDE Engine)
- ide-haskell-repl
- autocomplete-haskell
- hasklig
- ide-haskell-hoogle
- ide-haskell-cabal
- ide-haskell-hasktags
- Nix
- Haskell Syntax Highlighting
- Haskell Language Server (Haskell IDE Engine)
- haskell-ghcid
- hoogle-vscode
- Hasklig - ligatures for Haskell code
Installing Hasklig fonts on Windows:
- press Win+X
- press A to start cmd as administrator
- run
@"%SystemRoot%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" -NoProfile -InputFormat None -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))" && SET "PATH=%PATH%;%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\chocolatey\bin"
to install the package manager Chocolatey - run
choco install hasklig
to install the Hasklig fonts on your operating system
Enabling Hasklig fonts:
open Visual Studio Code
type Ctrl+Shift+P
Preferences: Open Settings (JSON)
make sure you have the following in your settings:
"editor.fontFamily": "Hasklig"
"editor.fontLigatures": true
Alternatives to HIE:
- Haskelly
- Haskero
- Simple GHC
Alternatives to HIE:
- jyp/dante (intero fork)
- chrisdone/intero
- flycheck/flycheck-haskell
- haskell/haskell-mode
- nominolo/scion
- DanielG/ghc-mod
- emacs-lsp/lsp-haskell (Haskell IDE Engine)
- haskell/haskell-mode
Alternatives to HIE:
- Haskell layer (uses intero)
Alternatives to HIE:
- chrisdone/intero
- parsonsmatt/intero-neovim
Alternatives to HIE:
- vim-syntastic/syntastic
- IntelliJ-Haskell (intero)
- HaskForce
- HoogleIt
- LSP (Haskell IDE Engine)
Alternatives to HIE:
- SublimeHaskell
- dariusf/sublime-intero