Simple conversion of a RGB pdf into an indexed CMYK pdf
./pdf2indexedCMYK input.pdf colors.yaml output.pdf
Currently requires PDFtk, ghostscript, pyYAML, numpy
Please open an issue if you find a better way to eg. convert an a color into eg. CMYK(0.6,0,0,0.2).
Works for common PDFs and allows control of output color space (3 dimensions to 4 dimensions). Replaces RGB colors with a CMYK value based on its nearest neighbour in the RGB color space.
Uses a dictionary to translate RGB values in order to allow manually "specify" a simple color profile.
Useful for keeping common CMYK values for printing while having only RGB capable vector graphics tools (like Powerpoint, Inkscape, ...).
- Does not work with Images
- The YAML Syntax for the colors is not correct but functional
- Does not yet replace complex lineart correctly (TODO:correct regexp)
- Break PDF Stream a bit
Copyright Till Riedel 2017, licenced under MIT Licence