This repository features the package structure and contains the files one needs to create component(s) that can be used with the Community Model for the Terrestrial Water Cycle (cm4twc) Python package.
- Copy this repository locally using git clone:
git clone
- Rename the directory using your model name (note: replace <model_name> with your model name, please follow PEP8 naming convention for your model name, i.e. all-lowercase names with underscores if this improves readability only):
mv cm4twccontrib-template cm4twccontrib-<model_name>
- Change the remote repository using git remote (note: replace <github_id> with your GitHub account):
cd cm4twccontrib-<model_name>
git remote set-url origin<github_id>/cm4twccontrib-<model_name>.git
- Rename the Python package using your model name:
mv cm4twccontrib/template cm4twccontrib/<model_name>
- Develop your own component contribution(s) following the Guide for Contributors
- List your package dependencies in requirements.txt
- Update README.rst to briefly describe your component(s)
- Update the first part of with your details