Auth Features:
- Create Clients (regular password + 6 one-time passwords + (optional) QR code and Secret for 2FA)
POST /api/register
- Login via Email + Regular Password
POST api/login
- Login via Email + One-time Password
POST api/altLogin
- Logout
POST api/logout
User Features:
- Get Single user details by request cookie jwt token data
GET /api/user
- Change regular password (user has to be logged in)
POST api/user/changePassword
- Reset To random password (can call target user or any user with role ROLE_ADMIN)
POST /api/user/{user_id}/resetPassword
Admin Endpoints:
- Get all users
GET /api/admin/users
Technologies Golang:
- Golang v1.16
- GORM v1.21.16
- Fiber v2.20.2
- jwt-go v3.2.0
Technologies DB:
- MariaDB 10.6.4