This is a high-precision desktop metronome application developed in Python. The application maintains timing accuracy to within one audio sample and offers a simple, user-friendly graphical interface.
- High-precision timing: The metronome is accurate to within one audio sample, due to its active drift error compensation.
- Tempo customisation: Users can adjust the tempo of the metronome within the range 10-350 beats per minute.
- Time signature customisation: Users can vary the number of beats per bar, enabling them to practice in different time signatures.
- Adjustments during playback: Adjustments to the tempo and/or time signature during playback are handled smoothly, minimising interruptions.
- Visual and auditory cues: The metronome provides both visual and auditory cues to help users stay on beat. It generates a click sound and also displays an animated visual indicator synchronised with the beat.
- Beat-specific sounds: For every beat in the bar, the sound can be changed by clicking on the coloured block for a particular beat, allowing for varied click patterns. The available sound options are: accented, regular, or silent.
(Left: metronome in 'stopped' state. Right: metronome in 'playing' state, with customised beat pattern and visual cue (blue) highlighting the current beat.)
(Comparison of metronome outputs with and without active drift correction applied, highlighting the drift error that accumulates after a short time. Metronome outputs were examined and verified using the REAPER DAW.)
Python 3.x: The application is developed using Python, so ensure you have Python 3.x installed on your system.
sounddevice library: Install the "sounddevice" library to handle the audio components of the metronome. You can install it using the following command:
pip install sounddevice
tkinter library: The graphical user interface (GUI) components are developed using the "tkinter" library, which is usually included with Python installations.
Other requirements found in
Clone this repository to your local machine or download the source code as a ZIP file.
Ensure you have the necessary dependencies installed as mentioned in the Requirements section.
Open a terminal or command prompt and navigate to the project directory.
Run the following command to start the metronome application:
The metronome application window should open, allowing you to start/stop the metronome, and change the tempo and time signature.
- Starting/Stopping: Click the "Play" button to start the metronome. Click the "Stop" button to stop the metronome. The space bar can also be used.
- Tempo control: Adjust the tempo using the slider, the buttons or the arrow keys (left and right).
- Beats per bar control: Set the desired number of beats per bar using the buttons or arrow keys (up and down).
- Customisable beat sounds: Click on the coloured beat indicators to cycle through the click sound options for each beat in the bar.
To do:
- Decouple the GUI and metronome code. Perhaps create a Controller class and build using a model-view-controller architecture.
- Dynamically resize the coloured beat indicator blocks when the time signature is changed.
Implement input validation for tempo change buttons to ensure tempo stays within range.
- Speed trainer feature: Schedule tempo increases within a specified tempo range, every user-specified number of bars.
- Randomly silence beats: In each bar, select a random set of beats for which the click be silent. Help develop the user's internal timing.
Contributions to this project are welcome. If you have any suggestions, bug fixes, or new features to add, please follow these steps:
- Fork the repository.
- Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix.
- Make your changes and test thoroughly.
- Commit your changes and push your branch to your forked repository.
- Submit a pull request, explaining your changes in detail and providing any necessary documentation.
This project is licensed under the MIT Licence.
If you encounter any issues or have any questions, please feel free to open an issue in the repository.