The project contains a .net core webapi and an angular application with the primeng examples. In order to run the example you need dotnet core 3.1 and nodejs installed in your machine.
- primeng 10.0.0-rc3
- angular 10
The application has 4 examples:
A basic table with scrolling or paginator where the sorting, filtering, paging are done on the client side.
A basic table with scrolling or paginator where the sorting, filtering, paging are done on the server side (lazy load + virtual scroll).
A table with inline editing, with scrolling or paginator where the sorting, filtering, paging are done on the client side.
A table with inline editing, with scrolling or paginator where the sorting, filtering, paging are done on the server side (lazy load + virtual scroll).
The examples work in chrome, firefox and safari.
To run the sample app open 2 terminals and run the following commands: