sourceFlip - "Probably the best jQuery Responsive-Image Plugin in the world."
SourceFlip is a light jQuery Plugin which automagically makes your images responsive. Just define a few conditions, set your src-attributes and you're off!
- Automatically flips image sources on different window-sizes!
- Define your own conditions!
- Define your own bunch of pics to flip!
- Possibility to define after- and before-functions!
- Flips your sources by resizing the browser-window (only if you want it)!
- Probably brings peace to mother earth and probably makes the internet a better place!
1 Make sure you're using a valid html5-DOCTYPE and everything is fine with your source code
2 Also make sure that you have included jQuery 1.8 or higher
You can directly include it via CDN if you want to
<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
3 Include the script in your website
<script type="text/javascript" src="/sourceflip/jquery.sourceflip.js"></script>
4 Give your images additional sources by adding html5 "data"-attributes
You definitely need the attributes "src" and "data-default" Now feel free to define your own attributes each for your custom responsive steps - it's valid with html5!
<img src="default.jpg" alt="" data-default="default.jpg" data-mobile="mobile.jpg" data-tablet="tablet.jpg" data-desktop="desktop.jpg">
5 Define the conditions and set some options
/* No-frills Basic Usage */
// Set up your conditions
var sfConditions = [
{ "maxWidth" : 480, "attr" : "data-mobile" },
{ "minWidth" : 481, "maxWidth" : 768, "attr" : "data-tablet" },
{ "minWidth" : 769, "attr" : "data-desktop" }
// Define your options
var sfOptions = {
'onLoad' : true,
'onResize' : true
// Initialize
jQuery.sourceFlip(sfConditions, sfOptions);
6 (Advanced) Give it some extra juice!
/* Full usage with custom settings */
// Set up your conditions
var sfConditions = [
{ "maxWidth" : 480, "attr" : "data-mobile" },
{ "minWidth" : 481, "maxWidth" : 768, "attr" : "data-tablet" },
{ "minWidth" : 769, "attr" : "data-desktop" }
// Define your options
var sfOptions = {
'afterFlip' : function(){ alert('after'); },
'beforeFlip' : function(){ alert('before'); },
'container' : $(window),
'defaultAttr' : 'data-default',
'onLoad' : true,
'onResize' : true,
'resizeSensitivity' : 250
// Now initialize on all images of you website
jQuery.sourceFlip(sfConditions, sfOptions);
// or initialize on specific images
jQuery('#container img').sourceFlip(sfConditions, sfOptions);
jQuery('img.sourceflip').sourceFlip(sfConditions, sfOptions);
That's it! Any questions? No? Great.
Erm.. if you have some questions, here's some additional info:
What's this conditions-thing? What's sourceFlip doing exactly?
- sourceFlip compares the size of the browser-window (or a custom container) with the specified conditions.
- It checks all your images (or some specified images) for the custom source attribute of the active condition.
- The value of the custom source attribute will be taken as new image source.
How about the behavior of conditions?
- sourceFlip will only flip sources, if one (or more) of the conditions are true and the defined source-attribute of the condition is existing
- if more than one condition is true, the first true condition will be taken (you should prevent that :)). The order of your condition array is important.
If you do have any more questions, give me a buzz here:
Usage | Option | Possible values | Default | Description |
required | onLoad | bool | true | Will images be flipped on site-load? |
required | onResize | bool | false | Will images be flipped on browser window resize? (will also work on rotation of mobile/tablet-devices) |
optional | afterFlip | function or false | false | Function which is called after flipping |
optional | beforeFlip | function or false | false | Function which is called before flipping |
optional | container | object or string | $(window) | The width of this element will be compared with the conditions - you can use $('#container') or '#container' |
optional | defaultAttr | string | data-default | If all conditions are failing or something else went terribly wrong the image of this attribute will be taken |
optional | resizeSensitivity | int | 100 | Flip images if resize stops for this amount of milliseconds |