REVISION DATE: 31.10.2020 Computational Fluid Dynamics Basics with Applications by John D. Anderson Chapter 10 Problem Supersonic flow over a flat plate. Refer to the book for the methodology.
Altitude class calculates freestream values up to 6000m Field2d class creates a flow field and sets dx, dy using the input arguments. Solver class creates a solution field with Vector U, E and F.
Place the .h and .cpp files in the same directory as main.cpp and run the code.
- Only MACCORMACK' s method is implemented in the code.
- Only constant temperature on the wall is implemented. It'd be a nice challenge to implement adiabatic wall. Make sure to edit boundary conditions and vector calculations.
- MACCORMACK method is explicit so timestep calculation is limited with CFL stability criteria.
- u, v, rho, T and p are extracted to text files in a format that is required by gnuplot contour plot.
- Other types of plots can be extracted from the solution field as you see fit.
- There is no massflow check at the inlet and outlet. It should definetely be implemented.
- It is definetely possible to optimize the code by performing highlevel move / copy techniques. In my computer it took 417 seconds to converge for a 121 by 121 grid. After 121 nodes, solution becomes unstable and "explode". So for grid independence for this particular problem in the book, a more detail look into time step function is in order.
Play with the code as you want, use it as a basis for different problems and make experiments. This is a very very very simple code and it has many many weaknesses.
Have fun and be happy.