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cybai edited this page May 13, 2017 · 1 revision

Repository Component Structure

2-way Binding Attributes

Attribute Name Default Value
parentModulePath x
parentModuleLink x
showLog true (Only be 2-way when it's a bare dir)

Computed Attributes

Attribute Name Computed Value
isSubmodule parentModulePath && parentModuleLink

Created Components

  • gitErrors
  • graph
  • remotes
  • submodules
  • branches
Only created when it's not a bare dir
  • stash
  • staging
Only created when query string contain noheader=true
  • refreshbutton
|                                                                                |
| ┌---------------------------------#gitErrors---------------------------------┓ |
| |                                                                            | |
| ┖----------------------------------------------------------------------------┚ |
| ┌------------------------------------DIV-------------------------------------┓ |
| |                                :isSubmodule                                | |
| ┖----------------------------------------------------------------------------┚ |
| ┌-----------------------------------#stash-----------------------------------┓ |
| |                                                                            | |
| ┖----------------------------------------------------------------------------┚ |
| ┌----------------------------------#staging----------------------------------┓ |
| |                                                                            | |
| ┖----------------------------------------------------------------------------┚ |
| ┌-------------------------------------H2-------------------------------------┓ |
| |                             :staging.conflictText                          | |
| ┖----------------------------------------------------------------------------┚ |
| ┌---------------------------------:showLog-----------------------------------┓ |
| | ┌----------------------------------DIV-----------------------------------┓ | |
| | | ┌---------------------------#refreshButton---------------------------┓ | | |
| | | |                           :refreshButton                           | | | |
| | | ┖--------------------------------------------------------------------┚ | | |
| | | ┌------------------------------#remotes------------------------------┓ | | |
| | | |                                                                    | | | |
| | | ┖--------------------------------------------------------------------┚ | | |
| | | ┌-----------------------------#submodules----------------------------┓ | | |
| | | |                                                                    | | | |
| | | ┖--------------------------------------------------------------------┚ | | |
| | | ┌-------------------------------#branches----------------------------┓ | | |
| | | |                                                                    | | | |
| | | ┖--------------------------------------------------------------------┚ | | |
| | ┖------------------------------------------------------------------------┚ | |
| | ┌---------------------------------#graph---------------------------------┓ | |
| | |                                                                        | | |
| | ┖------------------------------------------------------------------------┚ | |
| ┖----------------------------------------------------------------------------┚ |