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Allen edited this page May 7, 2017 · 7 revisions

Welcome to the ungit-react wiki!

ungit Component structure

|   :OOO   |

#XXX present this block is a component, sometime it's a HTML tag, like DIV.
:OOO present it's a viewModel value to decide if this component display or not.

| ┌----------------------------------#header---------------------------------------┓ |
| |                                                                                | |
| ┖--------------------------------------------------------------------------------┚ |
|                                                                                    |
| ┌------------------------------------DIV-----------------------------------------┓ |
| | ┌----------------------------------DIV---------------------------------------┓ | |
| | |                          :gitVersionErrorVisible                           | | |
| | ┖----------------------------------------------------------------------------┚ | |
| | ┌----------------------------------DIV---------------------------------------┓ | |
| | |                          :showNewVersionAvailable                          | | |
| | ┖----------------------------------------------------------------------------┚ | |
| | ┌----------------------------------DIV---------------------------------------┓ | |
| | |                          :showBugtrackingNagscreen                         | | |
| | ┖----------------------------------------------------------------------------┚ | |
| | ┌----------------------------------DIV---------------------------------------┓ | |
| | |                            :showNPSSurvey                                  | | |
| | ┖----------------------------------------------------------------------------┚ | |
| ┖--------------------------------------------------------------------------------┚ |
| ┌-------------------------------#path or #home-----------------------------------┓ |
| |                                 :content                                       | |
| | ┌--------------------------#loadingProgressBar-------------------------------┓ | |
| | |                          :status == 'loading'                              | | |
| | ┖----------------------------------------------------------------------------┚ | |
| | ┌--------------------------#cloningProgressBar-------------------------------┓ | |
| | |                          :status == 'cloning'                              | | |
| | ┖----------------------------------------------------------------------------┚ | |
| | ┌----------------------------------DIV---------------------------------------┓ | |
| | |                         :status == 'uninited'                              | | |
| | ┖----------------------------------------------------------------------------┚ | |
| | ┌----------------------------------DIV---------------------------------------┓ | |
| | |                         :status == 'no-such-path'                          | | |
| | ┖----------------------------------------------------------------------------┚ | |
| | ┌------------------------------#repository-----------------------------------┓ | |
| | |                              :repository                                   | | |
| | | ┌-----------------------------#gitErrors-----------------------------------┓ | |
| | | |                                                                          | | |
| | | ┖--------------------------------------------------------------------------┚ | |
| | | ┌--------------------------------DIV---------------------------------------┓ | |
| | | |                           :isSubmodule                                   | | |
| | | ┖--------------------------------------------------------------------------┚ | |
| | | ┌------------------------------#stash--------------------------------------┓ | |
| | | |                                                                          | | |
| | | ┖--------------------------------------------------------------------------┚ | |
| | | ┌-----------------------------#staging-------------------------------------┓ | |
| | | |                                                                          | | |
| | | ┖--------------------------------------------------------------------------┚ | |
| | | ┌--------------------------------DIV---------------------------------------┓ | |
| | | |                        :staging.conflictText                             | | |
| | | ┖--------------------------------------------------------------------------┚ | |
| | | ┌--------------------------------DIV---------------------------------------┓ | |
| | | |                              :showLog                                    | | |
| | | | ┌----------------------------------------------------------------------┓ | | |
| | | | | ┌------------------------#refreshButton----------------------------┓ | | | |
| | | | | |                        :refreshButton                            | | | | |
| | | | | ┖------------------------------------------------------------------┚ | | | |
| | | | | ┌---------------------------#remotes-------------------------------┓ | | | |
| | | | | |                                                                  | | | | |
| | | | | ┖------------------------------------------------------------------┚ | | | |
| | | | | ┌--------------------------#submodules-----------------------------┓ | | | |
| | | | | |                                                                  | | | | |
| | | | | ┖------------------------------------------------------------------┚ | | | |
| | | | | ┌---------------------------#branches------------------------------┓ | | | |
| | | | | |                                                                  | | | | |
| | | | | ┖------------------------------------------------------------------┚ | | | |
| | | | ┖----------------------------------------------------------------------┚ | | | 
| | | | ┌-----------------------------#graph-----------------------------------┓ | | |
| | | | |                         NOT_YET_FINISH!!!!!                          | | | |
| | | | ┖----------------------------------------------------------------------┚ | | |
| | | ┖--------------------------------------------------------------------------┚ | |
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