Provided by projects B03, C01 and INF
Ephys tutorial 1 shows on an entry-level how ECOG and LFP data are organized. Topics covered are:
- how explore data you recieve
- rearrange data in readable format
- plot channels
- find the sample frequency
- interpret some information (Stimulation state, medication state, stimulator model) and where to store these
- rewrite channel names
- how to do rereferencing of the signal
- save your data in Matlab, FieldTrip or SPM readable format
- convert your data to BIDS format (brainvision)
- explore the data in Python and use mne
For the first part, you will need Matlab2020b as we start with this script
The dependencies are:
- spm:
- wjn_toolbox:
- FieldTrip:
- MatLab Signal Processing Toolbox
For the second part, you need jupyter notebook as we end the tutorial with this script
The dependencies are:
- mne tools, that can be installed using following command:
import sys
!{sys.executable} -m pip install mne
We welcome your feedback on this tutorial. This tutorial is created by the Interventional and Cognitive Neuromodulation Lab: