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Translation and i18n Guide

Luca Zeug edited this page Jul 18, 2016 · 7 revisions

Translation and i18n Guide

To translate mist wallet to a new language, say foo, make sure you modify the following files:

  1. Make sure you can find your language code foo in this list.
  2. Translate and in interface/i18n directory in mist project
  3. Add language code foo in interface/project-tap.i18n
  4. Add language code and its native name in interface/i18n/mist.en.i18n.json
  5. Translate and in app/i18n in meteor-dapp-wallet project
  6. Add language code foo in [app/project-tap.i18n]
  7. Run the project again, the following files might be automatically changed. Commit these changes if any.
  • mist/interface/public/i18n/tap-i18n.json
  • mist/interface/public/i18n/foo.json
  • meteor-dapp-wallet/app/public/i18n/tap-i18n.json
  • meteor-dapp-wallet/app/public/i18n/foo.json
  1. Make sure you send Pull Requests for both mist and meteor-dapp-wallet projects.
  2. Add the language to the list below when your PR is merged

Currently supported languages:

language RFC4646 code mist meteor-dapp-wallet
Albanian sq yes no
Chinese zh yes no
Chinese (Taiwan) zh-TW yes yes
Dutch nl yes no
English en yes yes
Farsi fa yes no
French fr yes yes
German de yes yes
Italian it yes no
Japanese ja yes no
Korean ko yes yes
Norwegian nb yes no
Portuguese pt yes yes
Romanian ro no yes
Russian ru no yes
Spanish es yes yes
Ukrainian ua no yes
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