Documentation is here:
Yes, but it's stable and already used in production.
- CoffeeScript will be replaced by TypeScript
- The test coverage will definitely increase (goal is a full tested library)
- Documentation Page will follow
- An angular example will follow
A modern, open source, scalable upload solution.
bower install renuo-upload --save
The example is located in the example (can be used for development)
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<!-- create a html element on which you wan't the upload, id or class dosen't matter -->
<!-- set the data attributes -->
<div id='example' data-apikey="12345678" data-signingurl="http://domain/generate_policy"></div>
<!-- include all dependencies -->
<script src='../bower_components/dropzone/dist/dropzone.js'></script>
<script src='../bower_components/jquery/dist/jquery.js'></script>
<!-- include renuo-upload -->
<script src='../dist/renuo_upload.min.js'></script>
(function() {
//example custom callback
var logResult = function (result) {
console.log("filename orginal: " + result.orginalName);
console.log("filename clean: " + result.cleanName);
console.log("filename clean & short: " +;
console.log("filename extension: " + result.extension);
console.log("filename size: " + result.size);
console.log("public url: " + result.publicUrl);
console.log("file path: " + result.filePath);
// get your created element
var element = $('#example'); //or document.querySelector('#example')
//all possible options for dropzone
var dropzoneOptions = {
acceptedFiles: 'image/*,application/pdf,.psd' //always needed, look at
//that is it! so simple.
new RenuoUpload(element, dropzoneOptions, logResult);
module RenuoUploadHelper
# creates a image_tag with the right url for renuo upload images
# base_url of the file (saved in the db), looks like g1h7/ae3g/sds2/1n3h/filename
# options is a string, all thumbor options possible, look here
# tag_attrs is a hash which is direct passed to the normal image_tag (all options like class: 'red' are possible)
def renuo_upload_image_tag(base_url, options = nil, tag_attrs = {})
image_tag(renuo_upload_image_url(base_url, options), tag_attrs)
# creates the right url for renuo upload images
# base_url of the file (saved in the db), looks like g1h7/ae3g/sds2/1n3h/filename
# options is a string, all thumbor options possible, look here
# WARNING: this only works with HTTPS
def renuo_upload_image_url(base_url, options = nil)
"https://#{renuo_upload_cdn_host}/#{renuo_upload_image_path(base_url, options)}"
# returns the image_path
def renuo_upload_image_path(base_url, options)
#for thumbnail (t/) if options are set
return "t/#{options}/u/o/#{renuo_upload_app_name}/#{base_url}" if options
#else it returns the original (o/) image path
def renuo_upload_cdn_host
#cdn host where the files are available, set over env
def renuo_upload_app_name
#app name who the app is named (has to match with the name defined with the api_key)
- apikey is a string
- element is a htmlelement
- dropzoneOptions passed to dropzone
- callback when a file is uploaded successful (optional, it has a default one)
// dont't forget to set the data attributes for the apikey and siningurl on the element you pass to the upload
new RenuoUpload(element, dropzoneOptions, callback):
It has a default callback which will extend the form, if the element on which dropzone is initialized is in a form else the callback just do nothing. The form gets extended whit hidden inputfield for each file. But all files are nested under renuoupload. A file contains the orginal name, the clean name with extension, the clean name without extension, the extension, the size and the publicUrl of the uploaded file. The params on your server when the form gets submitted could look like that for an image called tiger_ultra_small_0.jpg:
You can set a function as callback which will be executed with a result as param. A result contains the same values as if a form would be submitted from the defaultCallback. A result can be used like:
possible attributes:
- orginalName
- cleanName
- name
- extension
- size
- publicUrl
- filePath
Take a look at the presentation of Renuo Upload.
You must have node.js and its package manager (npm) installed. You can get them from
git clone
npm install
gulp dist
Coming soon.
If problems should arise, either contact Cyril Kyburz or Lukas Elmer.