Perl 5 build and install from source. Also it installs cpanm and cpm for perl modules management, and GNU stow for path management at OS level.
Main vars to configure at inventory/playbook/group_vars/host_vars:
- stow_dir: directory where install perl binaries and libs stow_dir. Default value: /usr/local/stow
- perl5_version: default value: "5.24.0"
- perl5_local_path: the path where links to binaries, lib... will be created. Default value: /usr/local
Other configurable vars at defaults/main.yml:
- src_dir: directory where download, unpackage and build the sources. Default value: /usr/src
- stow_opts: options for running stow. Default value "--ignore=man"
- perl5_name: default value: "perl-{{ perl5_version }}"
- perl5_package: default value: "{{ perl5_name }}.tar.bz2"
- perl5_url: default value: "{{ perl5_package }}"
- perl5_real_path: "{{ stow_dir }}/{{ perl5_name }}"
- perl5_build_opts: "-des"
- cpm_install: install cpm package manager. Default value: False
Vars at vars/os family.yml
- perl5_build_dependencies: list of package names needed to build perl.
- hosts: servers
- rentalia.perl5-install
perl5_version: "5.26.0"
cpm_install: True
stow_dir: /opt/stow
This project is licensed under the GPLv3 license - see the LICENSE file for details.
This role was created in 2017 by Francisco J. Tsao Santín, devops engineer at Rentalia