finds quotes in free ebooks at project gutenberg.
$ ./quote.py --help
usage: quote.py [-h] [-d] [-b BOOK]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d, --debug print more information during the run
-b BOOK, --book BOOK manually specify the book number
$ ./quote.py
"Ah, well--a--day!--do what we can for him," said Trim, maintaining his point, "the poor soul will die." https://gutenberg.org/ebooks/21775
$ ./quote.py --book 220
"I won't be there to see you go," I began with an effort. "The rest ... I only hope I have understood, too." https://gutenberg.org/ebooks/220
To print more information during the run, --debug
can be defined to send additional output to STDERR
$ ./quote.py --book 220 --debug 2> stderr.o > stdout.o
$ cat stderr.o
[1692811696][debug] page link: https://gutenberg.org/ebooks/220
[1692811696][debug] book link: https://aleph.pglaf.org/2/2/220/220-0.txt
[1692811696][debug] parser is in head
[1692811696][debug] parser is in body
[1692811696][debug] parser is in footer
[1692811696][debug] title: The Secret Sharer
[1692811696][debug] author: Joseph Conrad
[1692811696][debug] paragraphs found: 356
[1692811696][debug] quote was found: "Hadn't the slightest idea. I am the mate of her--" He paused and corrected himself. "I should say I _was_."
[1692811696][debug] quote was found: "Unless you manage to recover him before tomorrow," I assented, dispassionately.... "I mean, alive."
[1692811696][debug] quote was found: "Bless my soul! Do you mean, sir, in the dark amongst the lot of all them islands and reefs and shoals?"
[1692811696][debug] quote was found: "I won't be there to see you go," I began with an effort. "The rest ... I only hope I have understood, too."
Non debug information and error output is also sent to STDERR
$ ./quote.py 2> stderr.o > stdout.o
$ cat stderr.o
[1692811795][error] quote was not found - 26726
$ cat stdout.o
"No," he said to me, "I cannot do that. I'll live like the old Bradlaugh, or I'll go under." https://gutenberg.org/ebooks/30205
$ ./quote.py --book 52751 2> stderr.o
$ cat stderr.o
[1692811864][error] book not found - 52751
$ ./quote -m 46392 2> stderr.o
$ cat stderr.o
[1692811902][error] quote was not found - 46392
is Copyright (c) 2023 Blaine Motsinger under the MIT license.
Blaine Motsinger [email protected]