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did_you_mean "Did you mean?" experience in Ruby MIT 1.3.0
fileutils Several file utility methods for copying, moving, removing, etc. BSD-2-Clause 1.1.0
etc Provides access to information typically stored in UNIX /etc directory. BSD-2-Clause 1.0.1
fiddle A libffi wrapper for Ruby. BSD-2-Clause 1.0.0
stringio Pseudo IO on String BSD-2-Clause 0.0.2
mutex_m Mixin to extend objects to be handled like a Mutex. BSD-2-Clause 0.1.0
bundler The best way to manage your application's dependencies MIT 2.2.4
rake Rake is a Make-like program implemented in Ruby MIT 13.0.3
concurrent-ruby Modern concurrency tools for Ruby. Inspired by Erlang, Clojure, Scala, Haskell, F#, C#, Java, and classic concurrency patterns. MIT 1.1.8
aasm State machine mixin for Ruby objects MIT 5.1.1
i18n New wave Internationalization support for Ruby MIT 1.8.10
minitest minitest provides a complete suite of testing facilities supporting TDD, BDD, mocking, and benchmarking MIT 5.14.4
thread_safe Thread-safe collections and utilities for Ruby Apache-2.0 0.3.6
tzinfo Daylight savings aware timezone library MIT 1.2.9
zeitwerk Efficient and thread-safe constant autoloader MIT 2.4.2
activesupport A toolkit of support libraries and Ruby core extensions extracted from the Rails framework. MIT
builder Builders for MarkUp. MIT 3.2.4
erubi Small ERB Implementation MIT 1.10.0
mini_portile2 Simplistic port-like solution for developers MIT 2.5.1
racc Racc is a LALR(1) parser generator Ruby 1.5.2
nokogiri Nokogiri (鋸) makes it easy and painless to work with XML and HTML from Ruby. MIT 1.11.4
rails-dom-testing Dom and Selector assertions for Rails applications MIT 2.0.3
crass CSS parser based on the CSS Syntax Level 3 spec. MIT 1.0.6
loofah Loofah is a general library for manipulating and transforming HTML/XML documents and fragments, built on top of Nokogiri MIT 2.9.1
rails-html-sanitizer This gem is responsible to sanitize HTML fragments in Rails applications. MIT 1.3.0
actionview Rendering framework putting the V in MVC (part of Rails). MIT
rack A modular Ruby webserver interface. MIT 2.2.3
rack-test Simple testing API built on Rack MIT 1.1.0
actionpack Web-flow and rendering framework putting the VC in MVC (part of Rails). MIT
nio4r New IO for Ruby MIT 2.5.3
websocket-extensions Generic extension manager for WebSocket connections Apache-2.0 0.1.5
websocket-driver WebSocket protocol handler with pluggable I/O Apache-2.0 0.7.3
actioncable WebSocket framework for Rails. MIT
globalid Refer to any model with a URI: gid://app/class/id MIT 0.4.2
activejob Job framework with pluggable queues. MIT
activemodel A toolkit for building modeling frameworks (part of Rails). MIT
activerecord Object-relational mapper framework (part of Rails). MIT
mimemagic Fast mime detection by extension or content MIT 0.3.10
marcel Simple mime type detection using magic numbers, filenames, and extensions MIT 0.3.3
activestorage Local and cloud file storage framework. MIT
mini_mime A lightweight mime type lookup toy MIT 1.0.2
mail Mail provides a nice Ruby DSL for making, sending and reading emails. MIT 2.7.1
actionmailbox Inbound email handling framework. MIT
actionmailer Email composition and delivery framework (part of Rails). MIT
actiontext Rich text framework. MIT
case_transform CaseTransform-0.2 MIT 0.2
jsonapi-renderer Render JSONAPI documents. MIT 0.2.2
active_model_serializers Conventions-based JSON generation for Rails. MIT 0.10.10
acts_as_paranoid Active Record plugin which allows you to hide and restore records without actually deleting them. MIT 0.6.3
public_suffix Domain name parser based on the Public Suffix List. MIT 4.0.6
addressable URI Implementation Apache-2.0 2.7.0
after_commit_everywhere Executes code after database commit wherever you want in your application MIT 1.0.0
net-ssh Net::SSH: a pure-Ruby implementation of the SSH2 client protocol. MIT 6.1.0
net-scp A pure Ruby implementation of the SCP client protocol. MIT 3.0.0
sshkit SSHKit makes it easy to write structured, testable SSH commands in Ruby MIT 1.21.0
airbrussh Airbrussh pretties up your SSHKit and Capistrano output MIT 1.4.0
multipart-post A multipart form post accessory for Net::HTTP. MIT 2.1.1
faraday HTTP/REST API client library. MIT 0.17.3
connection_pool Generic connection pool for Ruby MIT 2.2.3
net-http-persistent Manages persistent connections using Net::HTTP including a thread pool for connecting to multiple hosts MIT 4.0.0
airrecord Airtable client MIT 1.0.5
ast A library for working with Abstract Syntax Trees. MIT 2.4.2
aws-eventstream AWS Event Stream Library Apache-2.0 1.1.0
aws-partitions Provides information about AWS partitions, regions, and services. Apache-2.0 1.368.0
aws-sigv4 AWS Signature Version 4 library. Apache-2.0 1.2.2
jmespath JMESPath - Ruby Edition Apache-2.0 1.4.0
aws-sdk-core AWS SDK for Ruby - Core Apache-2.0 3.105.0
aws-sdk-kms AWS SDK for Ruby - KMS Apache-2.0 1.37.0
aws-sdk-s3 AWS SDK for Ruby - Amazon S3 Apache-2.0 1.80.0
bcrypt OpenBSD's bcrypt() password hashing algorithm. MIT 3.1.16
bindex Bindings for your Ruby exceptions MIT 0.8.1
msgpack MessagePack, a binary-based efficient data interchange format. Apache 2.0 1.3.3
bootsnap Boot large ruby/rails apps faster MIT 1.4.8
brakeman Security vulnerability scanner for Ruby on Rails. Brakeman Public Use License 5.0.1
http-accept Parse Accept and Accept-Language HTTP headers. 1.7.0
unf_ext Unicode Normalization Form support library for CRuby MIT
unf A wrapper library to bring Unicode Normalization Form support to Ruby/JRuby 2-clause BSDL 0.1.4
domain_name Domain Name manipulation library for Ruby BSD-2-Clause 0.5.20190701
http-cookie A Ruby library to handle HTTP Cookies based on RFC 6265 MIT 1.0.3
mime-types-data mime-types-data provides a registry for information about MIME media type definitions MIT 3.2020.0512
mime-types The mime-types library provides a library and registry for information about MIME content type definitions MIT 3.3.1
netrc Library to read and write netrc files. MIT 0.11.0
rest-client Simple HTTP and REST client for Ruby, inspired by microframework syntax for specifying actions. MIT 2.1.0
bsb BSB number validator with built-in database. MIT 0.0.13
bugsnag Ruby notifier for MIT 6.17.0
bundler-licensed A bundler hook for MIT 0.2.0
byebug Ruby fast debugger - base + CLI BSD-2-Clause 11.1.3
capistrano Capistrano - Welcome to easy deployment with Ruby over SSH MIT 3.14.1
capistrano-bundler Bundler support for Capistrano 3.x MIT 2.0.1
capistrano-rails Rails specific Capistrano tasks MIT 1.6.1
capistrano-rbenv rbenv integration for Capistrano MIT 2.2.0
redis A Ruby client library for Redis MIT 4.2.2
sidekiq Simple, efficient background processing for Ruby LGPL-3.0 6.1.2
capistrano-sidekiq Sidekiq integration for Capistrano LGPL-3.0 2.0.0.beta5
puma Puma is a simple, fast, threaded, and highly concurrent HTTP 1.1 server for Ruby/Rack applications BSD-3-Clause 4.3.6
capistrano3-puma Puma integration for Capistrano MIT 4.0.0
chartmogul-ruby Chartmogul API Ruby Client MIT 1.6.2
i18n_data country/language names and 2-letter-code pairs, in 85 languages MIT 0.10.0
sixarm_ruby_unaccent → Ruby → Unaccent Apache-2.0 1.2.0
unicode_utils additional Unicode aware functions for Ruby 1.9 1.4.0
countries Gives you a country object full of all sorts of useful information. MIT 3.0.1
rexml An XML toolkit for Ruby BSD-2-Clause 3.2.4
crack Really simple JSON and XML parsing, ripped from Merb and Rails. MIT 0.4.5
multi_xml A generic swappable back-end for XML parsing MIT 0.6.0
httparty Makes http fun! Also, makes consuming restful web services dead easy. MIT 0.18.1
json JSON Implementation for Ruby Ruby 2.3.1
currency_cloud Ruby SDK for the Currency Cloud API MIT 0.16.2
database_cleaner-core Strategies for cleaning databases. Can be used to ensure a clean slate for testing. MIT 2.0.1
database_cleaner-active_record Strategies for cleaning databases using ActiveRecord. Can be used to ensure a clean state for testing. MIT 2.0.0
orm_adapter orm_adapter provides a single point of entry for using basic features of popular ruby ORMs. Its target audience is gem authors who want to support many ruby ORMs. MIT 0.5.0
method_source retrieve the sourcecode for a method MIT 1.0.0
thor Thor is a toolkit for building powerful command-line interfaces. MIT 1.0.1
railties Tools for creating, working with, and running Rails applications. MIT
responders A set of Rails responders to dry up your application MIT 3.0.1
warden An authentication library compatible with all Rack-based frameworks MIT 1.2.9
devise Flexible authentication solution for Rails with Warden MIT 4.7.2
diff-lcs Diff::LCS computes the difference between two Enumerable sequences using the McIlroy-Hunt longest common subsequence (LCS) algorithm MIT 1.4.4
docile Docile keeps your Ruby DSLs tame and well-behaved. MIT 1.3.5
dotenv Loads environment variables from .env. MIT 2.7.6
faraday_middleware Various middleware for Faraday MIT 0.14.0
hashie Your friendly neighborhood hash library. MIT 3.6.0
dwolla_v2 Dwolla V2 Ruby client MIT 3.0.0.beta1
einhorn Einhorn: the language-independent shared socket manager MIT 0.8.2
erubis a fast and extensible eRuby implementation which supports multi-language 2.7.0
execjs Run JavaScript code from Ruby MIT 2.7.0
factory_bot factory_bot provides a framework and DSL for defining and using model instance factories. MIT 6.1.0
factory_bot_rails factory_bot_rails provides integration between factory_bot and rails 5.0 or newer MIT 6.1.0
faker Easily generate fake data MIT 2.18.0
fakeredis Fake (In-memory) driver for redis-rb. MIT 0.8.0
fast_jsonapi fast JSON API( serializer Apache-2.0 1.5
ffi Ruby FFI BSD-3-Clause 1.13.1
google-protobuf Protocol Buffers BSD-3-Clause 3.15.8
googleapis-common-protos-types Common protobuf types used in Google APIs Apache-2.0 1.0.6
groupdate The simplest way to group temporal data MIT 5.2.1
grpc GRPC system in Ruby Apache-2.0 1.37.1
temple Template compilation framework in Ruby MIT 0.8.2
tilt Generic interface to multiple Ruby template engines MIT 2.0.10
haml An elegant, structured (X)HTML/XML templating engine. MIT 5.1.2
sexp_processor sexp_processor branches from ParseTree bringing all the generic sexp processing tools with it MIT 4.15.1
ruby_parser ruby_parser (RP) is a ruby parser written in pure ruby (utilizing racc--which does by default use a C extension) MIT 3.15.0
html2haml Converts HTML into Haml MIT 2.2.0
haml-rails let your Gemfile do the configuring MIT 2.0.1
hashdiff Hashdiff is a diff lib to compute the smallest difference between two hashes. MIT 1.0.1
ibandit Convert national banking details into IBANs, and vice-versa. MIT 1.5.0
ifsc IFSC code database to help you validate IFSC codes MIT 1.5.12
jbuilder Create JSON structures via a Builder-style DSL MIT 2.10.1
jwt JSON Web Token implementation in Ruby MIT 2.2.2
kaminari-core Kaminari's core pagination library MIT 1.2.1
kaminari-actionview Kaminari Action View adapter MIT 1.2.1
kaminari-activerecord Kaminari Active Record adapter MIT 1.2.1
kaminari A pagination engine plugin for Rails 4+ and other modern frameworks MIT 1.2.1
kms_encrypted Simple, secure key management for Lockbox and attr_encrypted MIT 1.2.0
launchy Launchy is helper class for launching cross-platform applications in a fire and forget manner. ISC 2.5.0
letter_opener Preview mail in browser instead of sending. MIT 1.7.0
sawyer Secret User Agent of HTTP MIT 0.8.2
octokit Ruby toolkit for working with the GitHub API MIT 4.21.0
reverse_markdown Convert html code into markdown. WTFPL 1.4.0
rugged Rugged is a Ruby binding to the libgit2 linkable library MIT 1.1.0
licensee A Ruby Gem to detect open source project licenses MIT 9.15.1
parallel Run any kind of code in parallel processes MIT 1.20.1
pathname-common_prefix Calcurate prefix commont to some pathnames 0.0.1
ruby-xxHash A pure Ruby implementation of xxhash. MIT
tomlrb A racc based toml parser MIT 1.3.0
licensed Extract and validate the licenses of dependencies. MIT 3.0.1
rb-fsevent Very simple & usable FSEvents API MIT 0.10.4
rb-inotify A Ruby wrapper for Linux inotify, using FFI MIT 0.10.1
listen Listen to file modifications MIT 3.2.1
sprockets Rack-based asset packaging system MIT 4.0.2
sprockets-rails Sprockets Rails integration MIT 3.2.2
rails Full-stack web application framework. MIT
loaf Loaf manages and displays breadcrumb trails in your Rails application. MIT 0.9.0
lockbox Modern encryption for Rails MIT 0.4.8
money A Ruby Library for dealing with money and currency conversion. MIT 6.13.8
mysql2 A simple, fast Mysql library for Ruby, binding to libmysql MIT 0.5.3
newrelic_rpm New Relic Ruby Agent Apache-2.0 7.0.0
newrelic-infinite_tracing New Relic Infinite Tracing for the Ruby agent Apache-2.0 7.0.0
parser A Ruby parser written in pure Ruby. MIT
paymentrails PaymentRails Ruby SDK MIT 0.2.6
plaid Ruby bindings for Plaid MIT 11.0.0
polyamorous Loves/is loved by polymorphic belongs_to associations, Ransack, Squeel, MetaSearch... MIT 2.3.0
pundit OO authorization for Rails MIT 1.1.0
rack-proxy A request/response rewriting HTTP proxy. A Rack app. 0.6.5
rails-controller-testing Extracting assigns and assert_template from ActionDispatch. MIT 1.0.5
rainbow Colorize printed text on ANSI terminals MIT 3.0.0
ransack Object-based searching for Active Record and Mongoid (currently). MIT 2.3.0
redis-namespace Namespaces Redis commands. MIT 1.8.0
regexp_parser Scanner, lexer, parser for ruby's regular expressions MIT 2.1.1
rspec-support rspec-support-3.7.1 MIT 3.7.1
rspec-core rspec-core-3.7.1 MIT 3.7.1
rspec-expectations rspec-expectations-3.7.0 MIT 3.7.0
rspec-mocks rspec-mocks-3.7.0 MIT 3.7.0
rspec-rails RSpec for Rails MIT 3.7.2
rspec-sidekiq RSpec for Sidekiq MIT 3.1.0
rubocop-ast RuboCop tools to deal with Ruby code AST. MIT 1.4.1
ruby-progressbar Ruby/ProgressBar is a flexible text progress bar library for Ruby. MIT 1.11.0
unicode-display_width Determines the monospace display width of a string in Ruby. MIT 2.0.0
rubocop Automatic Ruby code style checking tool. MIT 1.12.0
rubocop-rails Automatic Rails code style checking tool. MIT 2.9.1
rubocop-rspec Code style checking for RSpec files MIT 2.2.0
sassc Use libsass with Ruby! MIT 2.4.0
sassc-rails Integrate SassC-Ruby into Rails. MIT 2.1.2
sass-rails Sass adapter for the Rails asset pipeline. MIT 6.0.0
shoulda-matchers Simple one-liner tests for common Rails functionality MIT 4.5.1
sidekiq-pro Black belt functionality for Sidekiq Nonstandard 5.2.1
sidekiq-ent Sidekiq Enterprise Nonstandard 2.2.2
sidekiq-limit_fetch Sidekiq strategy to support queue limits MIT 3.4.0
simplecov-html Default HTML formatter for SimpleCov code coverage tool for ruby 2.4+ MIT 0.12.3
simplecov_json_formatter JSON formatter for SimpleCov MIT 0.1.2
simplecov Code coverage for Ruby MIT 0.21.2
spring Rails application preloader MIT 2.1.1
spring-watcher-listen Makes spring watch files using the listen gem. MIT 2.0.1
turbolinks-source Turbolinks JavaScript assets MIT 5.2.0
turbolinks Turbolinks makes navigating your web application faster MIT 5.2.1
uglifier Ruby wrapper for UglifyJS JavaScript compressor MIT 4.2.0
vcr Record your test suite's HTTP interactions and replay them during future test runs for fast, deterministic, accurate tests. Hippocratic-2.1 6.0.0
view_component View components for Rails MIT 2.19.0
web-console A debugging tool for your Ruby on Rails applications. MIT 4.0.4
webmock Library for stubbing HTTP requests in Ruby. MIT 3.12.2
webpacker Use webpack to manage app-like JavaScript modules in Rails MIT 4.3.0

Marketplace Platform

did_you_mean "Did you mean?" experience in Ruby MIT 1.3.0
fileutils Several file utility methods for copying, moving, removing, etc. BSD-2-Clause 1.1.0
etc Provides access to information typically stored in UNIX /etc directory. BSD-2-Clause 1.0.1
fiddle A libffi wrapper for Ruby. BSD-2-Clause 1.0.0
stringio Pseudo IO on String BSD-2-Clause 0.0.2
mutex_m Mixin to extend objects to be handled like a Mutex. BSD-2-Clause 0.1.0
bundler The best way to manage your application's dependencies MIT 2.2.4
rake Rake is a Make-like program implemented in Ruby MIT 13.0.3
concurrent-ruby Modern concurrency tools for Ruby. Inspired by Erlang, Clojure, Scala, Haskell, F#, C#, Java, and classic concurrency patterns. MIT 1.1.8
aasm State machine mixin for Ruby objects MIT 5.1.1
i18n New wave Internationalization support for Ruby MIT 1.8.10
minitest minitest provides a complete suite of testing facilities supporting TDD, BDD, mocking, and benchmarking MIT 5.14.4
thread_safe Thread-safe collections and utilities for Ruby Apache-2.0 0.3.6
tzinfo Daylight savings aware timezone library MIT 1.2.9
zeitwerk Efficient and thread-safe constant autoloader MIT 2.4.2
activesupport A toolkit of support libraries and Ruby core extensions extracted from the Rails framework. MIT
builder Builders for MarkUp. MIT 3.2.4
erubi Small ERB Implementation MIT 1.10.0
mini_portile2 Simplistic port-like solution for developers MIT 2.5.1
racc Racc is a LALR(1) parser generator Ruby 1.5.2
nokogiri Nokogiri (鋸) makes it easy and painless to work with XML and HTML from Ruby. MIT 1.11.3
rails-dom-testing Dom and Selector assertions for Rails applications MIT 2.0.3
crass CSS parser based on the CSS Syntax Level 3 spec. MIT 1.0.6
loofah Loofah is a general library for manipulating and transforming HTML/XML documents and fragments, built on top of Nokogiri MIT 2.9.1
rails-html-sanitizer This gem is responsible to sanitize HTML fragments in Rails applications. MIT 1.3.0
actionview Rendering framework putting the V in MVC (part of Rails). MIT
rack A modular Ruby webserver interface. MIT 2.2.3
rack-test Simple testing API built on Rack MIT 1.1.0
actionpack Web-flow and rendering framework putting the VC in MVC (part of Rails). MIT
nio4r New IO for Ruby MIT 2.5.7
websocket-extensions Generic extension manager for WebSocket connections Apache-2.0 0.1.5
websocket-driver WebSocket protocol handler with pluggable I/O Apache-2.0 0.7.3
actioncable WebSocket framework for Rails. MIT
globalid Refer to any model with a URI: gid://app/class/id MIT 0.4.2
activejob Job framework with pluggable queues. MIT
activemodel A toolkit for building modeling frameworks (part of Rails). MIT
activerecord Object-relational mapper framework (part of Rails). MIT
marcel Simple mime type detection using magic numbers, filenames, and extensions MIT 1.0.1
activestorage Local and cloud file storage framework. MIT
mini_mime A lightweight mime type lookup toy MIT 1.1.0
mail Mail provides a nice Ruby DSL for making, sending and reading emails. MIT 2.7.1
actionmailbox Inbound email handling framework. MIT
actionmailer Email composition and delivery framework (part of Rails). MIT
actiontext Rich text framework. MIT
case_transform CaseTransform-0.2 MIT 0.2
jsonapi-renderer Render JSONAPI documents. MIT 0.2.2
active_model_serializers Conventions-based JSON generation for Rails. MIT 0.10.12
public_suffix Domain name parser based on the Public Suffix List. MIT 4.0.6
addressable URI Implementation Apache-2.0 2.7.0
after_commit_everywhere Executes code after database commit wherever you want in your application MIT 0.1.5
net-ssh Net::SSH: a pure-Ruby implementation of the SSH2 client protocol. MIT 6.1.0
net-scp A pure Ruby implementation of the SCP client protocol. MIT 3.0.0
sshkit SSHKit makes it easy to write structured, testable SSH commands in Ruby MIT 1.21.2
airbrussh Airbrussh pretties up your SSHKit and Capistrano output MIT 1.4.0
ast A library for working with Abstract Syntax Trees. MIT 2.4.2
aws-eventstream AWS Event Stream Library Apache-2.0 1.1.1
aws-partitions Provides information about AWS partitions, regions, and services. Apache-2.0 1.445.0
aws-sigv4 AWS Signature Version 4 library. Apache-2.0 1.2.3
jmespath JMESPath - Ruby Edition Apache-2.0 1.4.0
aws-sdk-core AWS SDK for Ruby - Core Apache-2.0 3.114.0
aws-sdk-kms AWS SDK for Ruby - KMS Apache-2.0 1.37.0
aws-sdk-s3 AWS SDK for Ruby - Amazon S3 Apache-2.0 1.93.1
bcrypt OpenBSD's bcrypt() password hashing algorithm. MIT 3.1.16
coderay Fast syntax highlighting for selected languages. MIT 1.1.3
better_errors Better error page for Rails and other Rack apps MIT 2.9.1
bindex Bindings for your Ruby exceptions MIT 0.8.1
debug_inspector A Ruby wrapper for the MRI 2.0 debug_inspector API MIT 1.0.0
binding_of_caller Retrieve the binding of a method's caller, or further up the stack. MIT 1.0.0
msgpack MessagePack, a binary-based efficient data interchange format. Apache 2.0 1.3.3
bootsnap Boot large ruby/rails apps faster MIT 1.4.8
brakeman Security vulnerability scanner for Ruby on Rails. Brakeman Public Use License 5.0.0
bugsnag Ruby notifier for MIT 6.17.0
byebug Ruby fast debugger - base + CLI BSD-2-Clause 11.1.3
capistrano Capistrano - Welcome to easy deployment with Ruby over SSH MIT 3.15.0
capistrano-bundler Bundler support for Capistrano 3.x MIT 2.0.1
capistrano-rails Rails specific Capistrano tasks MIT 1.6.1
capistrano-rbenv rbenv integration for Capistrano MIT 2.2.0
connection_pool Generic connection pool for Ruby MIT 2.2.3
redis A Ruby client library for Redis MIT 4.2.2
sidekiq Simple, efficient background processing for Ruby LGPL-3.0 6.1.2
capistrano-sidekiq Sidekiq integration for Capistrano LGPL-3.0 2.0.0
puma Puma is a simple, fast, threaded, and highly concurrent HTTP 1.1 server for Ruby/Rack applications BSD-3-Clause 4.3.6
capistrano3-puma Puma integration for Capistrano MIT 5.0.3
regexp_parser Scanner, lexer, parser for ruby's regular expressions MIT 2.1.1
xpath Generate XPath expressions from Ruby MIT 3.2.0
capybara Capybara aims to simplify the process of integration testing Rack applications, such as Rails, Sinatra or Merb MIT 3.35.3
rexml An XML toolkit for Ruby BSD-2-Clause 3.2.5
crack Really simple JSON and XML parsing, ripped from Merb and Rails. MIT 0.4.5
database_cleaner-core Strategies for cleaning databases. Can be used to ensure a clean slate for testing. MIT 2.0.1
database_cleaner-active_record Strategies for cleaning databases using ActiveRecord. Can be used to ensure a clean state for testing. MIT 2.0.0
diff-lcs Diff::LCS computes the difference between two Enumerable sequences using the McIlroy-Hunt longest common subsequence (LCS) algorithm MIT 1.4.4
docile Docile keeps your Ruby DSLs tame and well-behaved. MIT 1.3.5
unf_ext Unicode Normalization Form support library for CRuby MIT
unf A wrapper library to bring Unicode Normalization Form support to Ruby/JRuby 2-clause BSDL 0.1.4
domain_name Domain Name manipulation library for Ruby BSD-2-Clause 0.5.20190701
einhorn Einhorn: the language-independent shared socket manager MIT 0.8.2
erubis a fast and extensible eRuby implementation which supports multi-language 2.7.0
factory_bot factory_bot provides a framework and DSL for defining and using model instance factories. MIT 6.1.0
method_source retrieve the sourcecode for a method MIT 1.0.0
thor Thor is a toolkit for building powerful command-line interfaces. MIT 1.1.0
railties Tools for creating, working with, and running Rails applications. MIT
factory_bot_rails factory_bot_rails provides integration between factory_bot and rails 5.0 or newer MIT 6.1.0
faker Easily generate fake data MIT 2.18.0
fakeredis Fake (In-memory) driver for redis-rb. MIT 0.8.0
faktory_worker_ruby Ruby worker for Faktory LGPL-3.0 1.0.3
faraday-net_http Faraday adapter for Net::HTTP MIT 1.0.1
multipart-post A multipart form post accessory for Net::HTTP. MIT 2.1.1
ruby2_keywords Shim library for Module#ruby2_keywords Ruby 0.0.4
faraday HTTP/REST API client library. MIT 1.3.0
ffi Ruby FFI BSD-3-Clause 1.13.1
google-protobuf Protocol Buffers BSD-3-Clause 3.16.0
googleapis-common-protos-types Common protobuf types used in Google APIs Apache-2.0 1.0.6
grpc GRPC system in Ruby Apache-2.0 1.37.1
temple Template compilation framework in Ruby MIT 0.8.2
tilt Generic interface to multiple Ruby template engines MIT 2.0.10
haml An elegant, structured (X)HTML/XML templating engine. MIT 5.1.2
sexp_processor sexp_processor branches from ParseTree bringing all the generic sexp processing tools with it MIT 4.15.1
ruby_parser ruby_parser (RP) is a ruby parser written in pure ruby (utilizing racc--which does by default use a C extension) MIT 3.15.0
html2haml Converts HTML into Haml MIT 2.2.0
haml-rails let your Gemfile do the configuring MIT 2.0.1
hashdiff Hashdiff is a diff lib to compute the smallest difference between two hashes. MIT 1.0.1
http-accept Parse Accept and Accept-Language HTTP headers. 1.7.0
http-cookie A Ruby library to handle HTTP Cookies based on RFC 6265 MIT 1.0.3
mime-types-data mime-types-data provides a registry for information about MIME media type definitions MIT 3.2021.0225
mime-types The mime-types library provides a library and registry for information about MIME content type definitions MIT 3.3.1
multi_xml A generic swappable back-end for XML parsing MIT 0.6.0
httparty Makes http fun! Also, makes consuming restful web services dead easy. MIT 0.18.1
jbuilder Create JSON structures via a Builder-style DSL MIT 2.10.1
json JSON Implementation for Ruby Ruby 2.3.1
jwt JSON Web Token implementation in Ruby MIT 2.2.2
kaminari-core Kaminari's core pagination library MIT 1.2.1
kaminari-actionview Kaminari Action View adapter MIT 1.2.1
kaminari-activerecord Kaminari Active Record adapter MIT 1.2.1
kaminari A pagination engine plugin for Rails 4+ and other modern frameworks MIT 1.2.1
kms_encrypted Simple, secure key management for Lockbox and attr_encrypted MIT 1.2.0
launchy Launchy is helper class for launching cross-platform applications in a fire and forget manner. ISC 2.5.0
letter_opener Preview mail in browser instead of sending. MIT 1.7.0
rb-fsevent Very simple & usable FSEvents API MIT 0.10.4
rb-inotify A Ruby wrapper for Linux inotify, using FFI MIT 0.10.1
listen Listen to file modifications MIT 3.2.1
lockbox Modern encryption for Rails MIT 0.4.8
multi_json A common interface to multiple JSON libraries. MIT 1.15.0
mysql2 A simple, fast Mysql library for Ruby, binding to libmysql MIT 0.5.3
netrc Library to read and write netrc files. MIT 0.11.0
newrelic_rpm New Relic Ruby Agent Apache-2.0 7.0.0
newrelic-infinite_tracing New Relic Infinite Tracing for the Ruby agent Apache-2.0 7.0.0
oauth2 A Ruby wrapper for the OAuth 2.0 protocol. MIT 1.4.4
parallel Run any kind of code in parallel processes MIT 1.20.1
parser A Ruby parser written in pure Ruby. MIT
polyamorous Loves/is loved by polymorphic belongs_to associations, Ransack, Squeel, MetaSearch... MIT 2.3.0
rack-cors Middleware for enabling Cross-Origin Resource Sharing in Rack apps MIT 1.1.1
rack-proxy A request/response rewriting HTTP proxy. A Rack app. 0.6.5
sprockets Rack-based asset packaging system MIT 4.0.2
sprockets-rails Sprockets Rails integration MIT 3.2.2
rails Full-stack web application framework. MIT
rails-controller-testing Extracting assigns and assert_template from ActionDispatch. MIT 1.0.5
rainbow Colorize printed text on ANSI terminals MIT 3.0.0
ransack Object-based searching for Active Record and Mongoid (currently). MIT 2.3.0
redis-namespace Namespaces Redis commands. MIT 1.8.0
rest-client Simple HTTP and REST client for Ruby, inspired by microframework syntax for specifying actions. MIT 2.1.0
rspec-support rspec-support-3.7.1 MIT 3.7.1
rspec-core rspec-core-3.7.1 MIT 3.7.1
rspec-expectations rspec-expectations-3.7.0 MIT 3.7.0
rspec-mocks rspec-mocks-3.7.0 MIT 3.7.0
rspec-rails RSpec for Rails MIT 3.7.2
rspec-sidekiq RSpec for Sidekiq MIT 3.1.0
rubocop-ast RuboCop tools to deal with Ruby code AST. MIT 1.4.1
ruby-progressbar Ruby/ProgressBar is a flexible text progress bar library for Ruby. MIT 1.11.0
unicode-display_width Determines the monospace display width of a string in Ruby. MIT 2.0.0
rubocop Automatic Ruby code style checking tool. MIT 1.11.0
rubocop-rails Automatic Rails code style checking tool. MIT 2.9.1
rubocop-rspec Code style checking for RSpec files MIT 2.2.0
shoulda-matchers Simple one-liner tests for common Rails functionality MIT 4.5.1
sidekiq-pro Black belt functionality for Sidekiq Nonstandard 5.2.1
sidekiq-ent Sidekiq Enterprise Nonstandard 2.2.2
simplecov-html Default HTML formatter for SimpleCov code coverage tool for ruby 2.4+ MIT 0.12.3
simplecov_json_formatter JSON formatter for SimpleCov MIT 0.1.2
simplecov Code coverage for Ruby MIT 0.21.2
spring Rails application preloader MIT 2.1.1
spring-watcher-listen Makes spring watch files using the listen gem. MIT 2.0.1
turbolinks-source Turbolinks JavaScript assets MIT 5.2.0
turbolinks Turbolinks makes navigating your web application faster MIT 5.2.1
web-console A debugging tool for your Ruby on Rails applications. MIT 4.0.4
webmock Library for stubbing HTTP requests in Ruby. MIT 3.12.2
webpacker Use webpack to manage app-like JavaScript modules in Rails MIT 4.3.0

Marketplace DSL

Tool License Period Material LICENSE TYPE Link Remote Version Installed Version Author
async perpetual material MIT git+ 3.2.0 3.2.0 Caolan McMahon
axios perpetual material MIT git+ 0.21.1 0.21.1 Matt Zabriskie
dotenv perpetual material BSD-2-Clause git:// 8.2.0 8.2.0 n/a
json-templater perpetual material MIT git+ 1.2.0 1.2.0 James Lal [:lightsofapollo]
jsonata perpetual material MIT git+ 1.8.4 1.8.4 n/a
lodash perpetual material MIT git+ 4.17.20 4.17.20 John-David Dalton
mustache perpetual material MIT git+ 4.2.0 4.1.0 mustache.js Authors
qs perpetual material BSD-3-Clause git+ 6.10.1 6.10.1 n/a
uppercamelcase perpetual material MIT git+ 3.0.0 3.0.0 Sam Verschueren
winston perpetual material MIT git+ 3.3.3 3.3.3 Charlie Robbins
@commitlint/config-conventional perpetual material MIT git+ 12.1.4 12.0.1 Mario Nebl
@types/async perpetual material MIT 3.2.5 3.2.5 n/a
@types/concurrently perpetual material MIT 5.2.1 5.2.1 n/a
@types/eslint perpetual material MIT 7.2.6 7.2.6 n/a
@types/jest perpetual material MIT 26.0.20 26.0.20 n/a
@types/lodash perpetual material MIT 4.14.168 4.14.168 n/a
@types/moxios perpetual material MIT 0.4.11 0.4.10 n/a
@types/mustache perpetual material MIT 4.1.1 4.1.1 n/a
@types/node perpetual material MIT 14.14.25 14.14.25 n/a
@types/qs perpetual material MIT 6.9.6 6.9.6 n/a
@types/request perpetual material MIT 2.48.5 2.48.5 n/a
@types/request-promise perpetual material MIT 4.1.47 4.1.47 n/a
@types/shelljs perpetual material MIT 0.8.8 0.8.8 n/a
@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin perpetual material MIT git+ 4.14.2 4.14.2 n/a
@typescript-eslint/parser perpetual material BSD-2-Clause git+ 4.26.1 4.19.0 n/a
commitizen perpetual material MIT git+ 4.2.4 4.2.3 Jim Cummins
commitlint perpetual material MIT git+ 12.1.4 12.0.1 Mario Nebl
concurrently perpetual material MIT git+ 5.3.0 5.3.0 Kimmo Brunfeldt
eslint perpetual material MIT git+ 7.19.0 7.19.0 Nicholas C. Zakas
husky perpetual material MIT git+ 4.3.8 4 Typicode
istanbul-badges-readme perpetual material MIT git:// 1.3.4 1.2.1 Olavo Parno
jest perpetual material MIT git+ 26.6.3 26.6.3 n/a
jest-coverage-badges perpetual material MIT git+ 1.1.2 1.1.2 Pamela Peixinho
lint-staged perpetual material MIT git+ 10.5.4 10.5.4 Andrey Okonetchnikov
moxios perpetual material MIT git+ 0.4.0 0.4.0 Matt Zabriskie
nodemon perpetual material MIT git+ 2.0.7 2.0.7 Remy Sharp
puppeteer perpetual material Apache-2.0 git+ 8.0.0 8.0.0 The Chromium Authors
ts-jest perpetual material MIT git+ 26.5.0 26.5.0 Kulshekhar Kabra
ts-node perpetual material MIT git:// 9.1.1 9.1.1 Blake Embrey
typescript perpetual material Apache-2.0 git+ 4.1.3 4.1.3 Microsoft Corp.


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