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This repository hosts the code to collect data and generate charts for Reg Stats.

Repository Structure

The project root contains several files, including an RStudio project (.Rproj), an .Rprofile configuration file, and a renv.lock file (the lockfile establishes the R environment packages used).

In addition to these files, there are several directories:

  • charts/
    • contains the R code for updating Reg Stats charts, chart style information, and data visualization output
    • see this sub-directory's README for more details
  • data/
    • contains sub-directories for each Reg Stats chart and dataset
    • each sub-directory contains instructions for updating each Reg Stats dataset (either automatically or manually), the Python code for collecting the data (when automated), and the data for each dataset
    • see the README within each sub-directory for more details
  • renv/
    • contains the profiles associated with the project lockfiles; this is where package binaries will be installed on your local machine

The structure of the repository is depicted below:

Map of Reg Stats Repository

Instructions for Updating Data and Charts

For updating the data or charts, follow the instructions in each subdirectory. The following list provides a summary of files and output corresponding to each data series in Reg Stats.

After setting up the required Python or R environment (see instructions in each subdirectory), run the Python or R code in the "File" column, and an output dataset or chart in the "Output" column will be generated.

Economically Significant Final Rules Published by Presidential Year

Task Location File Output
Data data/es_rules/ econ_significant_rules_by_presidential_year.csv
Chart charts/ code/econ_significant_rules.Rmd output/econ_significant_rules_published_by_presidential_year.pdf

Economically Significant Final Rules by Agency

Task Location File Output
Data data/es_rules/ by_agency/ agency_econ_significant_rules_by_presidential_year.csv
Chart charts/ code/agency_econ_significant_rules_by_presidential_year.Rmd output/by_agency/[agency]_econ_significant_rules_by_presidential_year.pdf

Monthly Economically Significant Final Rules under the Biden Administration

Task Location File Output
Data data/monthly_es_rules/ monthly_econ_significant_rules_by_presidential_month.csv
Chart charts/ code/monthly_econ_significant_rules_by_presidential_month.Rmd output/monthly_econ_significant_rules_by_presidential_month_biden.pdf

Cumulative Economically Significant Final Rules by Administration

Task Location File Output
Data data/cumulative_es_rules/ cumulative_econ_significant_rules_by_presidential_month.csv
Chart charts/ code/cumulative_econ_significant_rules_by_admin.Rmd output/cumulative_econ_significant_rules_by_presidential_month.pdf

Cumulative Economically Significant Final Rules Published by Administration in First Year

Task Location File Output
Data data/cumulative_es_rules/ cumulative_econ_significant_rules_by_presidential_month.csv
Chart charts/ code/cumulative_econ_significant_rules_first_year.Rmd output/cumulative_econ_significant_rules_by_first_year.pdf

Significant Final Rules Published by Presidential Year

Task Location File Output
Data data/sig_rules/ significant_rules_by_presidential_year.csv
Chart charts/ code/significant_rules.Rmd output/significant_rules_by_presidential_year.pdf

Major Final Rules Published by Presidential Year

Task Location File Output
Data data/major_rules/ cradb/ major_rules_by_presidential_year.csv
Chart charts/ code/major_rules.Rmd output/major_rules_by_presidential_year.pdf

Rules Published in the Federal Register by Presidential Year

Task Location File Output
Data data/fr_rules/ code/ federal_register_rules_by_presidential_year.csv
Chart charts/ code/federal_register_rules.Rmd output/federal_register_rules_by_presidential_year.pdf

Rules Published in the Federal Register by Aegncy

Task Location File Output
Data data/fr_rules/ code/ agency_federal_register_rules_by_presidential_year.csv
Chart charts/ code/agency_federal_register_rules.Rmd output/by_agency/[agency]_federal_register_rules_by_presidential_year.pdf

Total Pages Published in the Code of Federal Regulations

Task Location File Output
Data data/cfr_pages/ cfr_pages_by_calendar_year.csv
Chart charts/ code/cfr_pages.Rmd output/cfr_pages_by_calendar_year.pdf

Total Pages Published in the Federal Register

Task Location File Output
Data data/fr_pages/ N/A federal_register_pages_by_calendar_year.csv
Chart charts/ code/federal_register_pages.Rmd output/federal_register_pages_by_calendar_year.pdf

Active Actions Published in the Unified Agenda

Task Location File Output
Data data/ua_actions/ active_actions_by_unified_agenda.csv
Chart charts/ code/unified_agenda_active_actions.Rmd output/active_actions_by_unified_agenda.pdf