Welcome to my research notebooks repository! I hope this effort makes my science accessible to anyone finding it too dark.
Always happy to help. Drop me a message. Cheers, - Reggie
- 2024/01: Python Notebooks for One- and Two-Point Statistics in Pulsar Timing Arrays (arXiv:2407.17987)
- 2023/01: Python Notebooks for Hubble Constant Selection with ABC/MCMC (arXiv:2212.02203)
- 2022/04: Jupyter Notebooks for ABC Analysis of XCDM Model Selection and Parameter Estimation (arXiv:2211.05482)
- 2022/03: Notebooks for AdS Black Hole Metric and Entropy in EFT of Gravity (arXiv:2208.07663)
- 2022/02: Mathematica Notebooks for Nondegenerate Self-Tuning Models Analysis (arXiv:2202.08672)
- 2022/01: Mathematica Notebook for Black Holes in Tensor-Vector-Scalar Theory (arXiv:2202.08460)
- 2021/09: Jupyter Notebook for Quantum-Corrected Teleparallel Cosmology (arXiv:2111.11761)
- 2021/08: Jupyter Notebook for Dark Energy Evolution Analysis (arXiv:2111.08289)
- 2021/07: Mathematica Notebooks for Teledeski Gravity Solutions (arXiv:2108.02500)
- 2021/06: Mathematica Notebooks for Well-Tempered Teledeski Cosmology (arXiv:2107.08762)
- 2021/05: Jupyter Notebooks for Hubble Data Reconstruction (arXiv:2106.08688)
- 2021/04: Two-Part Jupyter Notebook for Horndeski Gravity (arXiv:2105.12970)
- 2021/03: Mathematica Code for Inflationary Quantum Dynamics (arXiv:2109.08508)
- 2021/02: Supplementary Mathematica Notebooks for Dark Sector Interactions (arXiv:2103.02311)
- 2021/01: Supplementary Mathematica Notebooks for Kinetic Gravity Braiding (arXiv:2101.00965)
- 2020/06: Supplementary Mathematica Notebooks for Kinetic Gravity Braiding Perturbations (arXiv:2007.06006)
- 2020/05: Second-Order Action for Kinetic Gravity Braiding
- 2020/04: Mathematica Slides for xAct Field Theory
- 2020/03: Cosmology and xTensor Workshop Output
- 2020/02: Jupyter Notebooks for Cosmic Dynamics
- 2020/01: Collection of Notebooks from PhD Thesis
The Mathematica codes often use the xAct package and its derivatives xPert, xCoba, xPand.
Please cite the associated arXiv papers if my codes were helpful in any way. Thank you!
@misc{ reggie_bernardo_4810864, author = { Reggie Bernardo }, title = {{ reggiebernardo/notebooks: dark energy research notebooks }}, year = {2021}, publisher = {Zenodo}, howpublished = {\href{https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4810864}{10.5281/zenodo.4810864}} }