This is the standalone version of coffer that allows you to launch a coffer instance without other refuge tools.
- Erlang R15 or sup (R16b recommanded)
Installation is pretty simple. Just run the command line:
$ make
$ make rel
and it will generate a couch folder in rel/coffer. This release is fully relocatable, so you can put it where you want on your system.
You can then set soe default storage by editing the file sys.config
$ more rel/coffer/releases/1/sys.config
{coffer, [
{storages, [
{<<"default">>, coffer_storage_localdisk, [
{path, "/home/benoitc/files"}
- coffer_storage_ets: Storage in memory.
- name: Name of the ets
- coffer_storage_localdisk: Storage in a folder
- path: path ehere to store the files
Example of usage:
$ curl -XPUT http://localhost:8080/default/hashtype-test12345 -d"hello world"
"received": [
"blobRef": "hashtype-test12345",
"size": 11
$ curl -XGET http://localhot:8080/default
"container": {
"name": "default",
"blobs": [
"blobRef": "hashtype-test12345",
"size": 11
$ curl -XGET http://localhot:8080/default/hashtype-test12345
hello world
$ ls ~/files
$ ls ~/files/hashtype/t/e/s/t12345