Releases: reflow-project/weloop-bonfire
Reflow pilots release (Bonfire comp)
WeLoop is the first client web application developed for ReflowOS. It is a modular front-end framework intended to be used as a base for Reflow pilots to build their own ReflowOS front end interfaces customised for their unique business use cases.
WeLoop is developed in the React/Typescript development environment and based on the CommonsPub front-end initially developed as part of It uses the Apollo GraphQL library and provides a UI library and example style guide for consistent further development by REFLOW pilots for their specific use case requirements. Detailed WeLoop installation, operation & functionality is described in Reflow project deliverable D2.5 Reflow OS Graphical Interfaces.
For a detailed description of the use of the ReflowOS WeLoop UI client application within REFLOW pilot use cases, see REFLOW deliverable D5.4 Reflow Pilot Applications.
The code repository for WeLoop ReflowOS client application, together with installation instructions, is available on the REFLOW Project Github resource at (original version) and (final Bonfire compatible version).