Library for 8 bit sound and speech synthesis.
/!\ Do not separate DLLs from each other, as well as EXEs from DLLs.
- Speaker application for synthesis of 8-bit music
- Wave assembly with tools for generating wave sequences
- Vocalization library with advanced tools for making sounds (which includes speech (WIP))
Controls for Speaker.exe:
- TAB -- listen to created note sequence.
- ENTER -- compile note sequence into .WAV file.
- 1...0, -, = -- add one of notes into the chain. (1 -- C, 2 -- C#/Db, etc.)
- < > -- switch octave. (Min: 4, Max: 9)
- ` -- activate harmonic mode
- V -- activate phonetic mode
- R -- remove last tact from the chain
- Z -- exit program.
(C) 2021 red-the-random-dev
This software and source code are distributed under GPL license.