Bamboo is a python framework for HEP analyses. In this page, its explanation is mostly intended to be used in specific analyses done in Reconstruction Tools & Benchmarks Group under UPSG-CMS. For the original repo please check
The following set of commands would be sufficient to configure bamboo on lxplus.
mkdir BambooAnalysis
cd BambooAnalysis
Make a virtualenv:
source /cvmfs/
python -m venv bamboovenv
source bamboovenv/bin/activate
Install bamboo and the python plotit module, which is required for the .tex output:
pip install git+
pip install git+
Clone and install plotIt, the C++ executable that will produce the stack plots:
git clone -o upstream
mkdir build-plotit
cd build-plotit
make -j4 install
cd -
Clone this repository:
git clone -o upstream rtb
You need to execute the following commands in the bamboo setup directory, every time logged in and want to work with bamboo:
source /cvmfs/
source bamboovenv/bin/activate
The analysis module of the bamboo is a python file. See an example here: / In the analysis module, the physics objects are retreived from ROOT trees and defined via simple cuts. The selections are applied and finally the plots are defined. One can also add a cutflow report on demand which prints selection efficiencies in a .tex file as well as in the terminal screen. This cutflow report comes along with a histogram in .png format available in the working directory.
A YAML file is needed to specify the samples to be used in the analysis. In a configuration file, the luminosity, x-sec, sample groups and plot configurations (e.g. stacked plots, shape comparison etc.) are defined. See examples in this directory and check documentation for further details.
bambooRun -m rtb/ rtb/phaseII-analysis-FS-Delphes.yml -o output-Delphes
bambooRun -m rtb/ rtb/phaseII-analysis-FS.yml -o output-FS
Delphes vs. FS
bambooRun -m rtb/ rtb/phaseII-analysis-FS-Delphes.yml -o output-FS-Delphes
The pdf version of the cutflow report is obtained via:
cd output-FS-Delphes
pdflatex yields_HL-LHC.tex
See examples: