Open-source dashboard template for plotly graphs, forked from the dashboard templates.
Unzip the file and open index.html in a text editor
Find the lines containing the text "iframe" and replace the URL with your plotly graph URL. Don't forget to add the ".embed" (More about embedding plotly graphs with iframes)
Save index.html and double-click to open it in your browser.
You can add JavaScript controls to any Plotly graph iframe with plotly's postMessage API.
See examples of adding a moving average, custom buttons, and zoom callbacks.
To run postMessage examples locally on your desktop, you have to open index.html with a WebServer:
Open your terminal and naviate to the dashboard folder where index.html is.
Start SimpleHTTPServer
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000
Navigate to http://localhost:8000/ in your browser. You should see the dashboard from index.html.