This repository contains the RealifeTech SDK which can be installed into your Swift project using the CocoaPods dependency manager. Here you'll find a guide on getting started, and examples of how to use the SDK's features.
- XCode 11.3+
- Deployment Target of iOS 13.0+
- CocoaPods 1.8.4+
- Swift 5
Note that our SDK currently depends on RxSwift packages which are automatically managed with CocoaPods. This package should be compatible with any peer requirements on RxSwift and RxCocoa versions greater than 6.1.
Add the following line to your Podfile
under your Apps target:
pod 'RealifeTech-SDK'
Open your terminal, navigate to the directory containing your podfile, and run:
$ pod install
- Ensure you configure the SDK before calling any of this methods (see Configuration section below).
- You will also need to complete Device Registration (see below) before you can use the rest of the SDK methods.
Important: Using the SDK without calling configuring can lead to runtime errors. Do not forget to configure the SDK.
Use the following function to configure the SDK for use. You will be provided the values necessary as part of your onboarding. Note that the SDK provides default values for its API endpoints, unless you are provided with unique endpoints as part of onboarding leave these fields blank.
let configuration = CoreConfiguration(
clientSecret: "API_SECRET",
apiUrl: "http://API_URL", // OPTIONAL
graphQLApiUrl: "http://GRAPH_API_URL" // OPTIONAL
RealifeTech.configureSDK(with: configuration)
To ensure the SDK is configured before any other functionality is used, we recommend adding the code to your AppDelegate
's applicationDidFinishLaunching(_:)
Note, although deviceId is optional, we do recommend initialising the configuration object with a deviceId, as the system's identifierForVendor will be used if not, and it has been known to change between installs.
RealifeTech-SDK provides factory methods in CoreFactory
to allow you to initialise the services.
- UIDeviceInterface: A helper to get the UUID, model and system version of the current device.
static func makeDeviceHelper() -> UIDeviceInterface
- ReachabilityChecking: A helper to detect network connection and Bluetooth state.
static func makeReachablitiyChecker() -> ReachabilityChecking
- APITokenManagable: A helper to setups RealifeTech API with setting the deviceId and configuration to the requesters.
static func makeApiHelper(deviceId: String, configuration: CoreSDKConfiguration) -> APITokenManagable
- GraphQLDispatching: A dispatcher to request RealifeTech GraphQL API
static func makeGraphQLDispatcher(
configuration: CoreSDKConfiguration,
tokenHelper: APITokenManagable,
deviceId: String,
reachabilityHelper: ReachabilityChecking
) -> GraphQLDispatching
- Get the valid token for using RealifeTech APIs.
static func requestValidToken(fromApiHelper apiHelper: APITokenManagable)
Interfacing with our backend systems requires that your device be registered with them. You can use the below function to register the device.
RealifeTech.General.registerDevice {
// code to run once call has finished
If the registration fails (for instance due to connectivity issues) we will retry until it is successful. You will not be able to use the majority of the SDK until the device has been registered, and can check the status of it using:
RealifeTech.General.sdkReady // Returns Bool
Use the following function to register the device for push notifications.
RealifeTech.Communicate.registerForPushNotifications(tokenData: Data)
RealifeTech.Communicate.registerForPushNotifications(token: String)
You'll usually add this code to the AppDelegate method which receives an APN token after sucessfully registering with iOS. In this, case pass the Data object directly to the RealifeTech SDK with registerForPushNotifications(tokenData: Data)
Alternatively, you can register a device token arbitrarily, or after passing it through your own logic. In which case use registerForPushNotifications(token: String)
Until the token has successfully been sent to our backend, it will be stored persistantly. When the app launches, we will attempt to send a pending token. Only one token can be stored at a time.
Use the following function to log an analytic event
type: "type",
action: "action",
new: ["someValue": "123"],
old: nil) { result in
switch result {
case success:
// event has been logged
case failure(let error):
// handle error
As an example, if you want to log the login to an external system such as Ticketmaster, you would send the following:
- type:
- action:
- new:
{"userId": "a3890e983e", "provider": "ticketmaster"}
- old:
If the logging fails (for instance due to connectivity issues) we will retry until it is successful.
To determine if the device is a member of an audience, you would use the following function, passing the audienceId:
RealifeTech.Audiences.deviceIsMemberOfAudience(audienceId: String) { result in
switch result {
case success(let isMember):
// Our call succeeded
// Check `isMember` for membership status
case failure(let error):
// Handle failure
Note: You may wish to check whether the SDK is ready before calling:
guard RealifeTech.General.sdkReady else {
// Handle SDK not yet ready //
This option is more involved, but will give you the ability to track push notifications when the app is in the foreground, background, or inactive (force-quit).
The general approach to doing so is that you must implement a “Notification Service Extension” and when its didReceive function is called, call our SDK in order to track.
Ensure that your push notification payload contains "mutable-content": 1
- Add Notification Service Extension (NSE) target in Xcode
- Enable App Group capability with appGroupId - this allows the app to execute code when our app is closed.
- Pass appGroupId to configure NSE in SDK:
- Call
in your didFinishLaunchingWithOptions function.
- Call
- Use RLTNotificationsTracker in NSE target to track push received:
- Initialise RLTNotificationsTracker with AppGroup ID, and call
in NotificationService.swift's didReceive function.
- Initialise RLTNotificationsTracker with AppGroup ID, and call
If you don’t want to use a Notification Service Extension, and are comfortable that you will not receive tracking events for pushes received when the app has been force-quit, you can use the below function in AppDelegate to track notifications received, and in turn call our SDK.
application(_:didReceiveRemoteNotification:fetchCompletionHandler: @escaping (UIBackgroundFetchResult) -> Void)
This function won’t get fired when app is in-active (force-quit) which means you can only track the notifications received when app is in foreground and background.
When your app is in foreground, user cannot see the push alert popup on the device. You will need to write code to manually show an alert yourself.
- Enable “Background Modes - Remote notifications” capability in Xcode
- Ensure that your push notification payload contains
"content-available": 1
In application(_:didReceiveRemoteNotification:fetchCompletionHandler
, call the SDK's Communicate().trackPush
function passing:
- event: .received
- trackInfo: userInfo
RealifeTech.Communicate().trackPush(event: .received, trackInfo: userInfo) {
- This functionality can track regardless of whether the app is in the background, foreground or in-active(force-quit).
- Make AppDelegate conform to the UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate protocol
- Assign the AppDelegate as the delegate of the protocol:
func application(_:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions) {
UNUserNotificationCenter.current().delegate = self
Implement the following:
func userNotificationCenter(_ center: UNUserNotificationCenter, didReceive response: UNNotificationResponse, withCompletionHandler completionHandler: @escaping () -> Void) {
let userInfo = response.notification.request.content.userInfo
RealifeTech.Communicate().trackPush(event: .opened, trackInfo: userInfo) {