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emux is an attempt at a terminal multiplexer built on top of Emacs.


I bounced from screen to tmux and things never felt “Emacs-y” enough. I wanted the buffer switching, full on Emacs movement and text interaction, extremly high programability / flexibility, etc, etc that I was used to. Because of this I figured I would have a go at just making terminal multiplexer on top of Emacs.

Emacs can already do everything it needs to be an awesome terminal multiplexer. emux is about making it convenient and delightful to manage. It is in its early stages, it has a long way to go. I like it quite a bit already, and am using it excelusively for all of my terminal needs.

emux currently runs on top of / uses multi-term, so has all the goodness that it provides.

I have taken a great deal of inspiration from gnu screen, tmux, and elscreen.

I am an ametur Elisp developer, learning this stuff as I go. Feedback, issues, pull request, contribution and advice are more than welcome.



Sessions keep track of associated screens and buffers, and manage default directories for newly created terminals. You can associate multiple screens with a session, and switch between them. Newly created terminal buffers are associated with the current session, so you can easily switch between session terminal buffers.


Screens store window configurations, which includes window arrangement, buffers, and point locations.

Session switching

Changing sessions will restore the context and last screen configuration for the session switched to.

Screen switching

You can switch to a different session screen, or switch to a global screen, which will find the screen in a session, switch to the session, and then restore the screen selected.

Buffer switching

You can switch to a buffer in your current session, which will find the screen the buffer is in, switch to the screen configuration, and focus the selected buffer. You can also switch to a global buffer, which will find the session the buffer is in, switch to the session, find the screen the buffer is in, and switch to the screen configuration that the buffer is in, and focus the buffer.

Mass process termination / buffer closing

Screens can be destroyed, which removes them from the session they are in, kills all of the terminal processes and buffers. Sessions can be destroyed, which destroys all of the screens assocaited with them, as well as the terminal proccess and buffers.

Handy session buffer names

Terminal buffers associated with a session will be named with the session name as a prefix, so you can easily switch between two buffers of the same name in different sessions. If you had for example two different rails project sessions with an rspec buffer, you might have buffers named “foo/rspec” and “bar/rspec”

Smart terminal mode buffer movement switching

Moving around in the terminal changes from term char mode and line mode. Moving up and away from the prompt (scrolling up, searching backwards, moving to the beginning of the buffer) will put you in line mode, which allows for normal buffer movement and editing. Moving back to the prompt (keyboard quit, selecting term previous input, moving to the end of the buffer) will place you back in char mode, to resume normal terminal interaction.


Install multi-term via your favorite method

Emux will be a package when I get around to it. But until then:

clone this repo into you emacs load path somewhere, then:

(require ‘emux)

After Installing

Set the emux completing read command variable to your favorite completion command:

‘(emux-completing-read-command (quote ido-completing-read))

There are a bunch of things that are not immediately part of emux that are worth customizing / setting to make sure you get the most out of this.

Tell multi-term which program to use:

‘(multi-term-program “/bin/zsh”)

Tell term which keys you do not want to send to the underlying terminal:

‘(term-unbind-key-list (quote (“C-z” “C-x” “C-c” “C-h” “C-l” “<ESC>”)))

Setup pretty terminal colors:

‘(ansi-term-color-vector [unspecified “white” “red” “green” “yellow” “royal blue” “magenta” “cyan” “white”] t)

Set multi-term scolling behaviour:

‘(multi-term-scroll-show-maximum-output t)

Set maximum buffer size (scrollback):

‘(term-buffer-maximum-size 16384)

Set term default background and foreground:

‘(term-default-bg-color “#000000”) ‘(term-default-fg-color “#AAAAAA”)

for some reason you need to have a fringe, or multi-term doesn’t seem to scroll output correctly

‘(fringe-mode (quote (1 . 1)) nil (fringe))

Bind some keys (below is what I use):

(global-set-key (kbd “C-x c”) ’ emux-term-create) (global-set-key (kbd “C-x P”) ‘emux-session-load-template)

(setq term-bind-key-alist ‘((“C-x c” . emux-term-create) (“C-x r” . emux-term-rename) (“C-x K” . emux-term-destroy) (“C-x C” . emux-screen-create) (“C-x R” . emux-screen-rename) (“C-x s” . emux-screen-switch) (“C-x M-s” . emux-jump-to-screen) (“C-x S” . emux-session-switch) (“C-x P” . emux-session-load-template) (“C-x C-S-k” . emux-session-destroy) (“C-x B” . emux-jump-to-buffer) (“C-S-y” . emux-term-yank) (“C-x -” . emux-term-vsplit) (“C-x |” . emux-term-hsplit) (“C-c C-c” . term-interrupt-subjob) (“C-S-c” . term-interrupt-subjob) (“C-S-p” . previous-line) (“C-S-s” . isearch-forward) (“C-S-r” . isearch-backward) (“C-m” . term-send-raw) (“M-f” . term-send-forward-word) (“M-b” . term-send-backward-word) (“M-o” . term-send-backspace) (“M-d” . term-send-forward-kill-word) (“M-DEL” . term-send-backward-kill-word) (“M-,” . term-send-input) (“M-.” . comint-dynamic-complete)))

(define-key term-mode-map (kbd “C-S-l”) ‘emux-term-clear-screen)

I like to make a new frame for emux, and switch between my normal Emacs stuff and my emux frame, it makes the context switching a little more apparent. You can make a frame like this:

(modify-frame-parameters (make-frame) (list (cons ‘name “emux”)))

and then you can switch to it with:

(select-frame-by-name “emux”)

Interactive Functions



emacs terminal multiplexer






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