The Suggest plugin allows users to submit ideas, proposals or questions for submitting to votes and comments from visitors. It allows for public consultations and discussion forums.
- Dynamically creates a content type that can be submitted by users. A content type is created by selecting the different fields that should beprovided by the user when submitting a proposal.
- Management of the content deposited by the users (publication, publication, deletion of certain proposals and comments).
- Ability to filter proposals by date of publication, category or by means of a search field.
- Possibility to order proposals by popularity or chronological order.
- Ability to require the user to be authenticated in order to vote, comment or submit a proposal.
- Ability to prevent a user from voting multiple times for the same proposal.
- Ability to require proposals and comments to be published only after verification by the moderator (s) of the sugg.
- Send email notification when submitting a proposal, comment or report of a proposal considered inadequate
- Enabling / disabling a suggest with an unavailable message.
- Consultation of proposals and comments with possibility of export.
- Control of user input by regular expressions.
- Ability to add a Captcha in the proposal entry form. (I.e available by the addition of a Captcha)
- Managing regular expressions, managing export xsl, managing categories ...
Maven documentation and reports
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