IMPORTANT NOTICE: On 1/29/2020 UST Events application was refactored to Summit Events App. This means all classes, objects, visualfoce pages, and text have been refactored to reflect the new name. Previous installed version of the application will need to be reinstalled to proceed with this update. This is a turning point in the project and it is our intention that this be the last of drastic architecture changes that is made.
The Summit Events App is a sustainable open source community events app that serves a broad variety of needs for EDUs and NGOs. The event solution has the flexibility needed to offer events of different types: paid, free, group, guests, and individual. The solution will include the full life cycle of the event: registration, receipting, confirmation, reporting and web faced exposure. This solution facilitates a Salesforce connected campus and will be compatible with’s Data Architectures.
For project information, install instructions and documentation, please visit our wiki
Copyright 2019 University of St. Thomas - Minnesota. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a BSD Revised license that can be found in the LICENSE file.