The package creates a very basic IRIS instance in Docker
It's a proposal for an instance independent of IPM versions.
This repository provides a generic development environment
for coding productively with InterSystems ObjectScript.
This template:
- Runs InterSystems IRIS Community Edition in a docker container
- besides ZPM it includes WEBTERMINAL and PASSWORDLESS package
- the namespace defaults to USER
- any additional setting is provided by additional package related installation
The container is built directly from intersystemsdc/iris-community without any Dockerfile
- runs BEFORE IRIS is started
- is executed AFTER the start of IRIS and executes iris.script by default
- changing of port mapping happens in docker-compose.yml
Make sure you have git and Docker desktop installed.
Clone/git pull the repo into any local directory
$ git clone
To build and start the container run:
$ docker compose up -d && docker compose logs -f
To open IRIS Terminal do:
$ docker-compose exec iris iris session iris
or using WebTerminal
To access IRIS System Management Portal
This presents OEX package xxxxxxx using the actual IPM module
All user documentation is found there in the original repo