is a PHP 5.3 object wrapper for the Amazon PHP DynamoDB SDK.
It speed up the manipulation of items and attributes
- PHP 5.3.5
- AWS PHP SDK 2.1.2
is compatible with composer and any prs-0 autoloader
Since version 2.0.0, the lib use the new AWS PHP SDK 2.* To migrate to the new version, you need to fix any call to the old AmazonDynamoDB class by using the new Enum classes. For example, \AmazonDynamoDB::TYPE_NUMBER become \Aws\DynamoDb\Enum\Type::NUMBER.
The Connection constructor also change.
Create DynamoDB tables :
- Test(id)
- TestRange(id, [range])
Define phpunit env vars in ``phpunit.xml.dist`
$ php composer.phar install
$ phpunit
// Create a DynamoDB connection
$connectionEU = new \Riverline\DynamoDB\Connection('AccessKey', 'SecretKey', \Aws\Common\Enum\Region::EU_WEST_1);
// Attach a simple logger (or write your own logger class)
$connection->setLogger(new \Riverline\DynamoDB\Logger\EchoLogger());
// List Table
$tables = $connection->listTables();
foreach ($tables as $table) {
echo $table;
// Create a new table
$hash = new \Riverline\DynamoDB\Table\KeySchemaElement('id', \Aws\DynamoDb\Enum\Type::NUMBER);
$range = new \Riverline\DynamoDB\Table\KeySchemaElement('subid', \Aws\DynamoDb\Enum\Type::NUMBER);
$keySchema = new \Riverline\DynamoDB\Table\KeySchema($hash, $range);
$provisionedThroughput = new \Riverline\DynamoDB\Table\ProvisionedThroughput(3 /* Read */, 5 /* Write */);
$connection->createTable('Product', $keySchema, $provisionedThroughput);
// Wait until active
$connection->waitForTableToBeInState('Product', 'ACTIVE');
// Describe it
$tableDescription = $connection->describeTable('Product');
echo 'Read capacity : '.$tableDescription->getProvisionedThroughput()->getReadCapacity().PHP_EOL;
echo 'Hash key : '.$tableDescription->getKeySchema()->getHash()->getName().PHP_EOL;
// Update it
$provisionedThroughput = new \Riverline\DynamoDB\Table\ProvisionedThroughput(5 /* Read */, 10 /* Write */);
$connection->updateTable('Product', $provisionedThroughput);
// Delete it
// Create an item
// Product is a table with hash key 'id' and range key 'subid'
$product = new \Riverline\DynamoDB\Item('Product');
$product['id'] = 102;
$product['subid'] = 202;
$product['title'] = "Product 102-202";
$product['authors'] = array('Author1', 'Author2');
// Save it
// Get it
$product = $connection->get('Product', 102, 202);
echo $product['title'].PHP_EOL;
// Query it on with range condition
$context = new \Riverline\DynamoDB\Context\Query();
$context->setRangeCondition(\Aws\DynamoDb\Enum\ComparisonOperator::BETWEEN, array(200, 205));
$products = $connection->query('Product', 102, $context);
foreach($products as $product) {
echo $product['title'].PHP_EOL;
// Scan it by title and authors fields
$context = new \Riverline\DynamoDB\Context\Scan();
$context->addFilter('title', \Aws\DynamoDb\Enum\ComparisonOperator::CONTAINS, 'Product');
$context->addFilter('authors', \Aws\DynamoDb\Enum\ComparisonOperator::CONTAINS, 'Author1');
$products = $connection->scan('Product', $context);
foreach($products as $product) {
echo $product['title'].PHP_EOL;
// Delete it
$connection->delete('Product', 102, 202);
// Query with range condition, limit and consistent read
$context = new \Riverline\DynamoDB\Context\Query();
$context->setRangeCondition(\Aws\DynamoDb\Enum\ComparisonOperator::BETWEEN, array(200, 205));
$products = $connection->query('Product', 102, $context);
// Return only some attributes with backward index
$context = new \Riverline\DynamoDB\Context\Query();
$context->setRangeCondition(\Aws\DynamoDb\Enum\ComparisonOperator::BETWEEN, array(200, 205));
$context->setAttributesToGet(array('id', 'title'));
$products = $connection->query('Product', 102, $context);
// Scan with limit
$context = new \Riverline\DynamoDB\Context\Scan();
$context->addFilter('title', \Aws\DynamoDb\Enum\ComparisonOperator::CONTAINS, 'Product');
do {
$products = $connection->scan('Product', $context);
foreach($products as $product) {
echo $product['title'].PHP_EOL;
// Get the next context to continue
$context = $products->getNextContext();
} while ($products->more() /* more products to retrieve */);
// Batch Write
$batchWrite = new \Riverline\DynamoDB\Context\BatchWrite();
// Add some products
for($i=1; $i < 20; $i++) {
$product = new \Riverline\DynamoDB\Item('Product');
$product['id'] = 102;
$product['subid'] = $i;
$product['title'] = "Product 102-".$i;
$product['authors'] = array('Author1', 'Author2');
// Delete one product
$batchWrite->addKeyToDelete('Product', 102, 202);
// Batch Get
$batchGet = new \Riverline\DynamoDB\Context\BatchGet();
$batchGet->addKey('Product', 102, 1);
$batchGet->addKey('Product', 102, 3);
$batchGet->addKey('Product', 102, 5);
$batchGet->addKey('Product', 102, 15);
do {
$result = $connection->batchGet($batchGet);
foreach ($result['Product'] as $product) {
echo $product['title'].PHP_EOL;
// Get the new batchGet context with the unprocessed keys
$batchGet = $result->getUnprocessedKeysContext();
} while($batchGet /* $batch is null if there are not unprocessed keys */);
// Repeater helper class
$repeater = new \Riverline\DynamoDB\Repeater($connection);
// Repeat batchWrite request until everything is processed
// Manage "provisioned throughput exceeded" server errors
// Get consumed write units
echo $connection->getConsumedWriteUnits('Product').PHP_EOL;
// Get consumed read units for all tables
echo $connection->getConsumedReadUnits().PHP_EOL;