An iOS development challenge for showing cards
In this challenge, you are going to develop an iOS Card app which shows a random card on the main app page and has a 'Try' button. Whenever the user clicks on the 'Try' button, app should show him another random card which is not seen up to now.
Each card has at least 2 items:
- title
- description
We have different Cards which are shown differently:
- Picture Card which shows a picture at the end of card content (code is 0)
- Vibrator Card which vibrates the device when it is shown (code is 1)
- Sound Card which plays a sound when the card is shown (code is 2)
Cards can be shown in different themes meaning they will use a different icon and color representing their tag:
- sport
- art
- fun
You can choose your desired icon and color for each theme.
You should initialize cards list from this URL:
- You should implement the challenge using Objective-C
- We want a clean, readable and maintainable code
- Write unit tests for your code with the testing framework of your choice (XCTest, Kiwi, etc.)
- Fork this repository (if you don't know how to do that, Google is your friend)
- Commit and Push your code to your new repository
- Send us a pull request, we will review your code and get back to you