Design authentication manager Problem link Solutions Solution.cpp // class AuthenticationManager { public: int timeToLive; map<string, int> endtime; set<pair<int, string>> toremove; AuthenticationManager(int timeToLive) : timeToLive(timeToLive) {} void generate(string tokenId, int currentTime) { endtime[tokenId] = currentTime + timeToLive; toremove.insert({endtime[tokenId], tokenId}); } void renew(string tokenId, int currentTime) { if (endtime.count(tokenId) and endtime[tokenId] > currentTime) { toremove.erase({endtime[tokenId], tokenId}); endtime[tokenId] = currentTime + timeToLive; toremove.insert({endtime[tokenId], tokenId}); } } int countUnexpiredTokens(int currentTime) { while (!toremove.empty() and toremove.begin()->first <= currentTime) { auto [t, token] = *toremove.begin(); toremove.erase(toremove.begin()); endtime.erase(token); } return endtime.size(); } }; Tags Design data structure Priority queue > Key update using insert and remove on C++ set