- Constrained subsequence sum
- Earliest second to mark indices ii
- Final array state after k multiplication operations i
- Final array state after k multiplication operations ii
- Find original array from doubled array
- Find valid matrix given row and column sums
- First unique character in a string
- Furthest building you can reach
- Ipo
- Jump game vi
- Last stone weight
- Length of the longest valid substring
- Maximal score after applying k operations
- Maximum average pass ratio
- Maximum frequency stack
- Maximum number of events that can be attended
- Maximum number of points from grid queries
- Maximum spending after buying items
- Meeting rooms iii
- Merge k sorted lists
- Minimize deviation in array
- Minimum interval to include each query
- Minimum operations to exceed threshold value ii
- Minimum operations to form subsequence with target sum
- Number of orders in the backlog
- Parallel courses iii
- Process tasks using servers
- Remove stones to minimize the total
- Reorganize string
- Robot collisions
- Sort an array
- The number of the smallest unoccupied chair
- Time to cross a bridge
- Total cost to hire k workers
- Zero array transformation iii
- Design graph with shortest path calculator
- Digit operations to make two integers equal
- Minimum cost of a path with special roads
- Minimum time to visit a cell in a grid
- Modify graph edge weights
- Network delay time
- Find k pairs with smallest sums
- Find the most competitive subsequence
- Get biggest three rhombus sums in a grid
- Kth largest element in a stream
- Lfu cache
- Maximum elegance of a k length subsequence
- Maximum performance of a team
- Maximum subsequence score
- Minimum cost to hire k workers
- Divide an array into subarrays with minimum cost i
- Divide an array into subarrays with minimum cost ii
- Find median from data stream
- Find x sum of all k long subarrays i
- Find x sum of all k long subarrays ii
- Finding mk average
- Digit operations to make two integers equal
- Find minimum time to reach last room i
- Find minimum time to reach last room ii
- Find x sum of all k long subarrays i
- Find x sum of all k long subarrays ii
- Count zero request servers
- Design a food rating system
- Design a number container system
- Design authentication manager
- Design graph with shortest path calculator
- Find edges in shortest paths
- Lfu cache
- Lru cache
- Minimum cost of a path with special roads
- Minimum time to visit a cell in a grid
- Minimum time to visit disappearing nodes
- Modify graph edge weights
- Network delay time
- Number of ways to arrive at destination
- Path with maximum probability
- Reachable nodes in subdivided graph
- Take gifts from the richest pile