If tons of existing Java classes need to be provided with configurable annotations - required from most modern (de)serialization libraries, Jackson for e.g, then this tool will help you automate them, it directly modifies the Java files.
Given an existing Java class, this will add your custom annotations to the existing constructor if it sees fit ( covers all serializable fields) , or it writes a new one (basic field assignment), there are four configurable flags to : _ process the top-parent class down to its children in the hierarchy. _ process each constructor's parameter if domain-related. _ process each instance field if domain-related. _ process each class found in import region if domain-related.
- please clone the code and check out at main
- refer to input.txt
- execute InputEntry.java
_ This method will eventually annotate contructor (existing or write new) and its parameters(s) using client's annotation inputs.
_ its body contains all declared serialiazable fields (assigning ) _ its param list covers all declared serialiazable fields
- non-static
- non-transient
- package.txt is the entry point together with ScanPackage.java, supporting multi single files or package lines.
- ScanPackage.java is the entry class that starts everything.
- Driver.java is the class that starts the main logic.
processDomainFieldBFS(bool x) : to add annotations for fields explored in class ( if domain class )
processDomainImportBFS(bool x) : (not recommended) to add annotations for imported class ( if domain class)
processTopDownHierarchicalClasses(bool x) : (recommended for a complete list of fields) to process/add annotations from top-level #parent class down to the designated one, possibly transfer super
processDomainParamBFS(bool x) : to add annotations for parameters explored in constructor ( if domain class)
addSuperConstructor(bool x) : (if processTopDownHierarchicalClasses is enabled, then it's recommended to enable this as well) to add a default
_ Basic flow - phase-pattern-based algorithm :
- When processing a class, the method will explore -process all fields declared in a class if they're domain-specific, this procedure is repeated.
- Providing client-based import flag - processImportDomainsLayerWise, to process all dommain classes found in the import section or not.
- for libraries such as Jackson, custom (De)serializers annotations are supported on a given field's type, and a scope-rule to only annotate on the field, if that field is used/assigned in constructor body or in getter (TODO)
- Additional skipping / choosing base class, class name's logic , etc. please refer to Driver.java for more details.
Example: supposed this hierarchy :
BaseClass > Child01 > Child02 > Child03
before - BaseClass:
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.SortedSet;
public abstract class BaseClass<T> {
protected Integer x;
protected String text;
protected boolean y;
protected Map<String, Map<String, Map<SortedSet<Integer>, String>>> amIScary;
before - Child03:
public class Child03 extends Child02 {
private Integer myField01;
private String myField02;
after BaseClass :
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.SortedSet;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonCreator;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;
public abstract class BaseClass<T> {
protected Integer x;
protected String text;
protected boolean y;
protected Map<String, Map<String, Map<SortedSet<Integer>, String>>> amIScary;
protected BaseClass(@YourParamLevelAnnotation("x") Integer x,
@YourParamLevelAnnotation("text") String text,
@YourParamLevelAnnotation("y") boolean y,
@YourParamLevelAnnotation("amIScary") Map<String, Map<String, Map<SortedSet<Integer>, String>>> amIScary) {
this.x = x;
this.text = text;
this.y = y;
this.amIScary = amIScary;
after Child03:
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.SortedSet;
public class Child03 extends Child02 {
private Integer myField01;
private String myField02;
private Child03(@YourParamLevelAnnotation("x") Integer x,
@YourParamLevelAnnotation("text") String text,
@YourParamLevelAnnotation("y") boolean y,
@YourParamLevelAnnotation("amIScary") Map<String, Map<String, Map<SortedSet<Integer>, String>>> amIScary,
@YourParamLevelAnnotation("abc") int abc,
@YourParamLevelAnnotation("myField01") Integer myField01,
@YourParamLevelAnnotation("myField02") String myField02) {
super(x, text, y, amIScary, abc);
this.myField01 = myField01;
this.myField02 = myField02;
- Trie
- Stack
- Queue
- Linked List