A BreakBreaker game in java, made following Object Oriented Programming best practices and Design Patterns
java -XX:+ShowCodeDetailsInExceptionMessages -cp $dir$/DrickBreaker/bin Main.Application
- Implemented the Player Class.
- Implemented the Ball Class.
- Implemented the Missile Class
- Implemented Animaiton class
- Implemented an abstract Brick class and it's subclasses.
- Implemented Brick factory.
- Implemented an abrstract Powerup class and it's subclasses for each defined powerup.
- Implemented Powerup factory class.
- Implemented functionality for balls to multiply
- Implemented functionality for balls turn red
- Implemented the instance Class
- Implemented the Menu Class
- Displayed the Score, Level number, lives left at top right.
- Implemented the Level Generator Class
Everyone contributed in rigorous test running of the project and coming up with various ideas to make the project user-friendly!