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Develop and run web experiments locally!


Run npm i to install dependencies.

To start, run npm start. For dev mode, run npm run dev.

To select a variation or create a new one, run npm run select.

You can add the chrome extension (.zip) from root directory and toggle it to run the experiment.

If you don't prefer chrome, then the following script should be added to your site to run the experiment. You can do that using different extension like TamperMonkey or User JS & CSS.

!(() => {
    const script = document.createElement("script");
    script.src = "http://localhost:3001/experiment-runner.js";

That's the basic of it!!


npm start build to force build the selected variation.

npm run select campaign to select campaign from already selected website.

npm run select variation to select variaiton from already slected website > campaign.

Using as a submodule

You can use this project as a submodule so keep it seperate from your own/organization repo.

To add this as a submodule on your current repo, run git submodule add

Then add IS_SUBMODULE=true on .env file. To set it up or run commands, make sure you cd ./experiment-runner and follow the Installation steps.

Your project directory will look like the following.

├── src/
│   ├── Website-1
|   |   ├── Experiment-Or-Campaign-1
|   |   |   ├── Variation-1
|   |   |   └── Variation-2
│   ├── Website-2
│   └── Website-3
├── experiment-runner (submodule)
├── .gitignore
└── .gitmodules

Testing across multiple devices on your network

To make the script available to your local network (so that you can test on different devices connected to your local network), we will need to enable HTTPS on our server. Then save a Bookmarklet on our devices that doesn't have developer console i.e. mobile/tablet etc.

Enabling SSL

To do that, you can use the environment variable PROTOCOL like the following:


Then you will have to generate SSL Certificates and decrypt them so that the server can use them. You can do that using the following commands.

openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout keytmp.pem -out cert.pem -days 365

This will create encrypted keys and certificates in your project directory. Then run the following command to decrypt the key.

openssl rsa -in keytmp.pem -out key.pem

Now you can run the project using npm start and you'll have SSL enabled server listening on defined port. Don't forget to update the script on TamperMonkey or User JS & CSS like the following:

!(() => {
    const script = document.createElement("script");
    script.src = "https://localhost:3001/experiment-runner.js";

Creating the Bookmarklet

Before we start, we need to find out which IPv4 Address we are connected to on our local network. You can find it by running the following command on console.



ifconfig | grep "inet "

It will be similar to

Save the following code as Bookmark on your browser.

javascript:(function(){const e=window.prompt("Enter the IP address of the server","localhost"),t=document.createElement("script");t.src=`https://${e}:3001/experiment-test.js`,document.head.append(t)})();

To test your code on mobile devices, go to your website, then open the address bar on your browser, search for the name of your bookmarklet and click on it. A prompt will ask for the server IP Address, once you put the right IPv4 address, it will run the code on your mobile devices and if the run is successful, you should get an alert like the following.

Experiment runner loaded!

If you don't have the alert, it's most probably that the browser doesn't know the SSL certificates we generated. To bypass that, visit the following links (replace the IPv4 with your own) and proceed ingoring the browser warning.

Reload the page and now running the Bookmarklet should run the code. Thanks.