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Fix kernel launch error for cudf::io::orc::gpu::rowgroup_char_counts_…
…kernel (#14139) Fixes memcheck error found during the nightly builds found in gtest `OrcWriterNumericTypeTest/0.SingleColumn` ``` # compute-sanitizer --tool memcheck gtests/ORC_TEST --gtest_filter=OrcWriterNumericTypeTest/0.SingleColumn --rmm_mode=cuda ========= COMPUTE-SANITIZER Note: Google Test filter = OrcWriterNumericTypeTest/0.SingleColumn [==========] Running 1 test from 1 test suite. [----------] Global test environment set-up. [----------] 1 test from OrcWriterNumericTypeTest/0, where TypeParam = signed char [ RUN ] OrcWriterNumericTypeTest/0.SingleColumn ========= Program hit cudaErrorInvalidConfiguration (error 9) due to "invalid configuration argument" on CUDA API call to cudaLaunchKernel. ========= Saved host backtrace up to driver entry point at error ========= Host Frame: [0x480aa6] ========= in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ========= Host Frame:cudaLaunchKernel [0x6c358] ========= in /conda/envs/rapids/lib/ ========= Host Frame:__device_stub__ZN4cudf2io3orc3gpu27rowgroup_char_counts_kernelENS_6detail11base_2dspanIiNS_11device_spanEEENS5_IKNS1_22orc_column_device_viewELm18446744073709551615EEENS4_IKNS1_13rowgroup_rowsES5_EENS5_IKjLm18446744073709551615EEE(cudf::detail::base_2dspan<int, cudf::device_span>&, cudf::device_span<cudf::io::orc::orc_column_device_view const, 18446744073709551615ul>&, cudf::detail::base_2dspan<cudf::io::orc::rowgroup_rows const, cudf::device_span>&, cudf::device_span<unsigned int const, 18446744073709551615ul>&) [0x14fccb4] ``` Adds a check to avoid the kernel launch if the number of strings column is zero. Authors: - David Wendt ( Approvers: - Nghia Truong ( - Bradley Dice ( URL: #14139
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