The 'com.rapidminer.extension' plugin is designed to ease the process of creating a RapidMiner extension. The plugin...
- ... applies and configures the RapidMiner Gradle plugins rapidminer-java-basics, rapidminer-java-publishing, rapidminer-code-quality, and rapidminer-release as well as a plugin for creating a shaded/shadow Jar (link).
- ... adds RapidMiner and configured RapidMiner extensions as provided dependencies
- ... ensures that the created extension jars MANIFEST.MF contains valid and correct entries
plugins {
id 'com.rapidminer.extension' version <plugin version>
extensionConfig {
* Mandatory parameter that defines the extension name.
name = 'Web Mining'
* Optional parameter that defines the extension namespace. The namespace is also used as artifactId.
* If not defined the namespace will be infered from the extension name by replacing whitespace characters
* by an underscore and converting the name to lower case (e.g. 'Web Mining' becomes 'web_mining').
namespace = 'web'
* The artefact group. By default it is 'com.rapidminer.extension'.
groupId = 'com.rapidminer.extension'
* The extension vendor. By default it is 'RapidMiner GmbH'.
vendor = 'RapidMiner GmbH'
* The vendor homepage. By default it is ''.
homepage = ''
* The absolute path to the folder extensions are copied to when executing the 'installExtension' task.
* By default extensions are copied to '~/.RapidMiner/extensions/'.
extensionFolder = 'C:\\Users\\username\\.RapidMiner\\extensions\\'
* The Gradle Wrapper version to be installed when invoking the 'wrapper' task.
wrapperVersion = '2.6'
* Optional block which allows to define the version of RapidMiner to compile against and
* other RapidMiner extension dependencies.
dependencies {
* Defines the minimum version of RapidMiner the extension needs to be loaded.
* This version will be added to the compile classpath as provided dependency.
* Default is '6.5.0'.
rapidminer '6.5.0'
* Syntax to add dependencies to other RapidMiner extensions.
* Each defined extension will be added as provided dependency.
extension namespace: 'text', version: '5.3.2'
* Optional block to define resource files.
* If not defined the resource files will be guessed by a heuristics.
resources {
* Optional parameter that allows to specify the class used for initialization.
* If not specified the plugin checks if a class named 'PluginInit%EXTENSION_NAME%' exists
* where %EXTENSION_NAME% is the extension name without whitespaces (e.g. 'Web Mining' -> 'PluginInitWebMining').
initClass "com.rapidminer.PluginInitWebMining"
* Optional parameter that allows to specify the operator definition XML file.
* If not specified the plugin checks if a resource file named 'Operators%EXTENSION_NAME%.xml' exists
* where %EXTENSION_NAME% is the extension name without whitespaces (e.g. 'Web Mining' -> 'OperatorsWebMining.xml').
operatorDefinition "/com/rapidminer/resources/OperatorsWebMining.xml"
* Optional parameter that allows to specify the IO Object definition XML file.
* If not specified the plugin checks if a resource file named 'ioobjects%EXTENSION_NAME%.xml' exists
* where %EXTENSION_NAME% is the extension name without whitespaces (e.g. 'Web Mining' -> 'ioobjectsWebMining.xml').
objectDefinition "/com/rapidminer/resources/ioobjectsWebMining.xml"
* Optional parameter that allows to specify the parse rule definition XML file.
* If not specified the plugin checks if a resource file named 'parserules%EXTENSION_NAME%.xml' exists
* where %EXTENSION_NAME% is the extension name without whitespaces (e.g. 'Web Mining' -> 'parserulesWebMining.xml').
parseRuleDefinition "/com/rapidminer/resources/parserulesWebMining.xml"
* Optional parameter that allows to specify the groups properties file.
* If not specified the plugin checks if a resource file named '' exists
* where %EXTENSION_NAME% is the extension name without whitespaces (e.g. 'Web Mining' -> '').
groupProperties "/com/rapidminer/resources/"
* Optional parameter that allows to specify the errors properties file.
* If not specified the plugin checks if a resource file named '' exists
* where %EXTENSION_NAME% is the extension name without whitespaces (e.g. 'Web Mining' -> '').
errorDescription "/com/rapidminer/resources/i18n/"
* Optional parameter that allows to specify the user errors properties file.
* If not specified the plugin checks if a resource file named '' exists
* where %EXTENSION_NAME% is the extension name without whitespaces (e.g. 'Web Mining' -> '').
userErrors "/com/rapidminer/resources/i18n/"
* Optional parameter that allows to specify the GUI properties file.
* If not specified the plugin checks if a resource file named '' exists
* where %EXTENSION_NAME% is the extension name without whitespaces (e.g. 'Web Mining' -> '').
guiDescription "/com/rapidminer/resources/i18n/"
* Optional parameter that allows to specify the settings configuration XML file.
* If not specified the plugin checks if a resource file named 'settings%EXTENSION_NAME%.xml' exists
* where %EXTENSION_NAME% is the extension name without whitespaces (e.g. 'Web Mining' -> 'settingsWebMining.xml').
settingsDescriptor "/com/rapidminer/resouces/settingsWebMining.xml"
* Optional parameter that allows to specify the settings properties file.
* If not specified the plugin checks if a resource file named '' exists
* where %EXTENSION_NAME% is the extension name without whitespaces (e.g. 'Web Mining' -> '').
settingsStructureDescriptor "/com/rapidminer/resources/i18n/"
- com.rapidminer.code-quality
- com.github.johnrengelman.shadow
Apart from the tasks added by the applied plugins, following tasks are added:
When executing this task a fresh RapidMiner extension project is setup by using the configuration of the build.gradle file.
This task depends on the shadow task, which creates a Jar containing the extension source code as well as all dependencies (shaded/shadow jar). This jar is copied to %rapidminerHome%/lib/plugins.
This tasks downloads and installs the Gradle wrapper with the specified Gradle version.