AWS Lambda function to send AWS Flow Logs to a Graylog UDP Input.
Registering a new RAW UDP input in our Graylog server:
- Login to your graylog server.
- Go to "System > Inputs" select "RAW/Plaintext UDP" and then "Launch new input".
- Fill the form with best parameters for your config.
- Click "Save".
- Once you have created the graylog input, go to "System > Inputs.
- Click in "Manage Extractors" at your graylog input.
- Click "Actions", then "Import Extractors".
- Import the file "extractors.json"
- Now all your events will be parsed and AWS Flow log fields will be created.
- Login into your AWS cccount.
- Go to "EC2 (Elastic Computer Cloud)" service.
- From the left menu, select "Network Interfaces"
- Select the network interface that you want to enable flow logs.
- Go to "Flow Logs" tab.
- Click "Create Flow Log"
- Select a role that has permissions to write/create log groups at AWS CloudWatch. If you don't have any existing role, you must to create it. See the reference guide bellow.
- Select your "Destination Log Group". Something like "/flow/to/graylog" it's a good start point.
- Click "Create Flow Log". This can take up 15 minutes.
References: AWS Flow Logs User guid
- Login into your AWS account.
- Go to "Lambda" Service.
- Click "Create function".
- Select "Author from scratch" option
- Setup a name to your lambda function. Example: flowToGraylog
- Select "Python 2.7" (was not tested on Python 3.6)
- Select the role to your function. This role must have permissions to write/create log groups and permissions to run with a VPC. See reference bellow.
- Put the code of "" in your Lambda function.
- Set environment variable "GRAYLOG_IP" and "GRAYLOG_UDP_PORT" with your Graylog configuration at "Environment Variables".
- Select your VPC, subnet and security groups at "Network".
- (Optional) You can configure a "test event" at your lambda fucntion to check if all is ok. Choose "CloudWatch Logs" from "Event Template".
References: AWS Lambda VPC Execution
- Login into your AWS account.
- Go to "Cloud Watch" service.
- Select "Logs" from left menu.
- Select the log group created on the early step.
- Click on "Action" and then "Stream to AWS Lambda"
- Select your lambda function. Then click "Next"
- Select "Amazon VPC Flow logs" at "Log Format". Then click "Next"
- Click "Start Streaming".
References: CloudWatch Subscriptions