Before running the code, download the diversity file from the Baidu Cloud
Link: Password: c9jf
Unzip the DiversityFiles into AcrossNetworkEmbeddingData dir.
For instance "AcrossNetworkEmbeddingData/DiversityFiles/all_share_diversity.9.foldtrain.number"
All the model files in FinalModel package.
Run and first, then several embedding file will be generated in foursquare/embeddings and twitter/embeddings.
For 4 embeddings,
foursquare/twitter.embedding.update.2SameAnchor.concatenate.100_dim.9.foldtrain.10000000 IONE-Ex model foursquare/twitter.embedding.update.2SameAnchor.InputContextVector.100_dim.9.foldtrain.10000000 foursquare/twitter.embedding.update.2SameAnchor.OutputContextVector.100_dim.9.foldtrain.10000000 foursquare/twitter.embedding.update.2SameAnchor.twodirectionContext.100_dim.9.foldtrain.10000000 IONE model
For 4 embeddings,
foursquare/twitter.embedding.update.2SameAnchor.concatenate.100_dim.9.foldtrain.diversity.100000000 IONE-D-Ex model foursquare/twitter.embedding.update.2SameAnchor.InputContextVector.100_dim.9.foldtrain.diversity.100000000 foursquare/twitter.embedding.update.2SameAnchor.OutputContextVector.100_dim.9.foldtrain.diversity.100000000 foursquare/twitter.embedding.update.2SameAnchor.twodirectionContext.100_dim.9.foldtrain.diversity.100000000 IONE-D model
Then run for concatenating the embeddings,
foursquare/twitter.embedding.update.2SameAnchor.concatenateDiversity.100_dim.9.foldtrain.diversity.100000000 IONE-Con-Ex model
Of course, you can change the paths of different embeddings files for different models which are described in the paper.
Finally, you can run the for the results which are used in the paper. Just make sure that the path of embedding files to be concatenated are corrected.
Description of Data directory
following: the relation file, "1 2" means user 1 is the follower of user 2.
the same as the foursquare fold
groundtruth: the groundtruth for our experiment, the anchor users between twitter and foursquare. Only column in which ids are appeared in both foursquare/following and twitter/following.
**pls make the anchors as the *same* id during the pre-preparation.**
**Although the testing anchors have the same id, they will *not* take part in the training progress as they are not contained in the groundtruth.x.foldtrain.train file.**
**There are several users have same ids (except for anchor users) in both foursquare/following and twitter/following files, but they are not the same user.**
groundtruth.x.foldtrain.train, the traning anchors, which are the 0.x of all the anchors.
groundtruth.x.foldtrain.test, the testing anchors, which are the 1-0.x of all the anchors.
all_share_diversity.x.foldtrain.number, which are the 0.x of all the anchors. format:
user_in_networkx user_in_networky|shared_anchor_user|diversity_value|relationship_type(follower/followee)
Prepare your data format the same as twitter/following, foursquare/following and the twitter_foursquare_groundtruth.
Run in AcrossNetworkEmbeddingData dir, make sure that you have the correct path for saving generate diversity files, eg. AcrossNetworkEmbeddingData/DiversityFiles/.
Note that, use py 2.7 for the enviornment, pip install python-louvain for community detection. Then you can run the model (The same as model running section).
By the way, the you can find the IONE model at and ABNE model which are also used for the user alignment task.
Feel free to contact me (Liu Li [email protected]) when you have any problems about the paper or the code.