A small library in Qt for sending mails using an SMTP-server.
Since Qt is very feature rich, but misses classes for sending mails over a smtp-server I decided to start writing some. Not very pretty but running for me.
- Send mails over an open smtp-server
- Send mails over ssl-connections (using SSL oder STARTTLS)
- Send mails over a server needing LOGIN
- Send mails with attachments (even multiple attachments)
- Send mails using multiple recepients in To:, Cc: or Bcc:
- Can accept self signed certificates
- Any other AUTH-Method than LOGIN
- A lot more...
Documentation, more examples and of course anything listed in "NOT implemented yet".
The directory src holds the sources for QtMailer. You can build it using qmake & make. The lib will be placed in the directory lib. If you are running a Unix system you can then install the library and header-files into your system. The library and headers will be installed in /usr/lib and /usr/include by default. You can change the PREFIX (/usr) by using the PREFIX-Variable in qmake.
If you want to build the whole project (incl. examples) using Qt-Creator don't use shadow-build cause it breaks the paths used in the projectfiles.
% cd src
% qmake
% make
% make install
To install the files in /usr/local you have to add the alternative prefix to qmake:
% cd src
% qmake PREFIX=/usr/local
% make
% make install