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iRate: A Database for Managing Movie Ratings

iRate is a social media application that encourages theater customers to rate a movie that they saw at the theater in the past week and write a short review. This project is a portion of a an application that enables registered movie theater customers to rate a movie that they saw at the theater, and for other registered customers to vote for reviews.

Table of contents

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


  • Derby
  • Java 8
  • SQL

Schema Diagram for the Database

GitHub Logo

Tables and description

  • Customer is a registered customer of the theater. The Customer information includes a customer name, email address, the date the customer joined, and a gensym customer ID. The information is entered by the theater when the customer registers. If a customer is deleted, all of his or her reviews and endorsements are deleted

  • Movie is a record of a movie playing at the theater. It includes a title, and a gensym movie ID. This information is entered by the theater for each movie it plays.

  • Attendance is a record of a movie seen by a customer on a given date. It includes a movie ID, the attendance date, and the customer ID. This information is entered when the customer purchases a ticket for a show. If a movie is deleted, all of its attendances are deleted. Attendance info is used to verify attendance when creating a review.

  • Review is a review of a particular movie attended by a custumer within the last week. The review includes the customer ID, the movie ID, the review date, a rating (0-5 stars), a short (1000 characters or less) review, and a gensym review ID. There can only be one movie review per customer, and the date of the review must be within 7 days of the most recent attendance of the movie. If a movie is deleted, all of its reviews are also deleted.

  • Endorsement is an endoresement of a movie review by a customer. A customer's current endorsement of a review for a movie must be at least one day after the customer's endorsement of a review for the same movie. The endorsement includes the review ID, the customerID of the endorser, and the endoresemnt date. A customer cannot endorse his or her own review. If a review is deleted, all endorsements are also deleted.

Examples of commands you can run on for this Database.

DDL for creating the tables

create table Customer ( CustomerID varchar(64) not null ,
 first_Name varchar(32) not null,
 last_Name varchar(32),
 email varchar(64),
 primary key (CustomerID),
  check (isEmail(email))

DML for editing entries in the tables

insert into Customer values( generateUuid(),
'[email protected]',
'1962-09-23 03:23:34.234');

DQL for making commonly used queries to retrieve information about the status of reviews and votes from the database.

select * from Customer;

Program Design

  • This file contains all the logic to create and connect to the database, drop and create all the tables and functions for the application.

  • This file contains all the stored functions that have to be added to the database in order to populate the tables with data that comply with all the checks.

  • This file contains all the logic to insert data successfully into the tables as well as scenarios where data insertion fails due to constraint or business logic violations.

  • This file displays all the data stored in the database.

Testing strategy

Successful insert tests

  • We first create a set of dummy data which we use to populate the Movie and Customer Table.
  • The dummy data is stored in arrays.
  • Using the data stored in Movie and Customer we populate the data in Attendance, Review and Endorsement table.
  • The order of insertion is Customer,Movie -----> Attendence ----> Review ------> Endorsement.
  • The above order is required because a customer can write a review only after a movie is attended and the review can be endorsed only after the review is written.

Unsuccessful insert tests

  • We have an exhaustive list of test for inserting data which violates constraints and a few of them are as follows,
    • Test to check if insertion fails if you endorse a 2nd review before 24 hours of endorsing a first review of the same.
    • Test to check if insert fails when same customer writes review for the same movie again.
    • Test to check for review without attendance.
    • Test to check if insertion with invalid email ID fails, etc.

Running the tests

  • Run and it will create all the tables.
  • Run and it will populate all the tables with data.
  • Run and it will display all the tables with data.

Future Scope

  • In the future we can add more funcionality and business logic which can help us utilize the data store in the database. We can add a feature where other costumers can vote one review of a particular movie as "helpful" each day. The writer of the top rated review of a movie written three days earlier receives a free movie ticket, and voting is closed for all reviews of the movie written three days ago. Someone who voted one or more movie reviews as "helpful" on a given day will be chosen to receive a free concession item.

  • This project can provide a back-end that could be used for a future projects to create web-based front-end to the database that allows a movie theater to operate this promotional application. It can also be used as part of a back end to a mobile application for the theater.



A SQL Movie Review database management system






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