[Snyk] Security upgrade webpack-dev-server from 3.1.14 to 4.7.3 #31
Security Report
You have successfully remediated 148 vulnerabilities, but introduced 35 new vulnerabilities in this branch.
❌ New vulnerabilities:
CVE | Severity | CVSS Score | Vulnerable Library | Suggested Fix | Issue |
CVE-2021-26701Path to dependency file: /src/BuildingBlocks/Devspaces.Support/Devspaces.Support.csproj Path to vulnerable library: /home/wss-scanner/.nuget/packages/system.text.encodings.web/4.5.0/system.text.encodings.web.4.5.0.nupkg Dependency Hierarchy: -> microsoft.aspnetcore.http.abstractions.2.2.0.nupkg (Root Library) -> ❌ system.text.encodings.web.4.5.0.nupkg (Vulnerable Library) |
Critical | 9.8 | system.text.encodings.web.4.5.0.nupkg | Upgrade to version: System.Text.Encodings.Web - 4.5.1,4.7.2,5.0.1 | None |
CVE-2020-16873Path to vulnerable library: /packages/Xamarin.Forms. Dependency Hierarchy: -> ❌ Xamarin.Forms.Platform- (Vulnerable Library) |
High | 8.8 | Xamarin.Forms.Platform- | Upgrade to version: Xamarin.Forms -,, | None |
CVE-2020-16873Path to vulnerable library: /packages/Xamarin.Forms. Dependency Hierarchy: -> ❌ Xamarin.Forms.Platform- (Vulnerable Library) |
High | 8.8 | Xamarin.Forms.Platform- | Upgrade to version: Xamarin.Forms -,, | None |
CVE-2020-16873Path to vulnerable library: /packages/Xamarin.Forms. Dependency Hierarchy: -> ❌ Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android- (Vulnerable Library) |
High | 8.8 | Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android- | Upgrade to version: Xamarin.Forms -,, | None |
CVE-2020-16873Path to vulnerable library: /packages/Xamarin.Forms. Dependency Hierarchy: -> ❌ Xamarin.Forms.Platform- (Vulnerable Library) |
High | 8.8 | Xamarin.Forms.Platform- | Upgrade to version: Xamarin.Forms -,, | None |
CVE-2020-16873Path to vulnerable library: /packages/Xamarin.Forms. Dependency Hierarchy: -> ❌ Xamarin.Forms.Platform- (Vulnerable Library) |
High | 8.8 | Xamarin.Forms.Platform- | Upgrade to version: Xamarin.Forms -,, | None |
CVE-2020-16873Path to dependency file: /home/wss-scanner/.nuget/packages/xunit.runner.devices/2.3.3/xunit.runner.devices.nuspec Path to vulnerable library: /packages/Xamarin.Forms.,/home/wss-scanner/.nuget/packages/xamarin.forms/ Dependency Hierarchy: -> ❌ xamarin.forms. (Vulnerable Library) |
High | 8.8 | xamarin.forms. | Upgrade to version: Xamarin.Forms -,, | None |
CVE-2020-16873Path to vulnerable library: /packages/Xamarin.Forms. Dependency Hierarchy: -> ❌ Xamarin.Forms.Platform- (Vulnerable Library) |
High | 8.8 | Xamarin.Forms.Platform- | Upgrade to version: Xamarin.Forms -,, | None |
CVE-2020-16873Path to vulnerable library: /packages/Xamarin.Forms. Dependency Hierarchy: -> ❌ Xamarin.Forms.Platform- (Vulnerable Library) |
High | 8.8 | Xamarin.Forms.Platform- | Upgrade to version: Xamarin.Forms -,, | None |
CVE-2020-16873Path to vulnerable library: /packages/Xamarin.Forms. Dependency Hierarchy: -> ❌ Xamarin.Forms.Platform- (Vulnerable Library) |
High | 8.8 | Xamarin.Forms.Platform- | Upgrade to version: Xamarin.Forms -,, | None |
CVE-2020-16873Path to vulnerable library: /packages/Xamarin.Forms. Dependency Hierarchy: -> ❌ Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android- (Vulnerable Library) |
High | 8.8 | Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android- | Upgrade to version: Xamarin.Forms -,, | None |
WS-2022-0161Path to dependency file: /eShopOnContainers.TestRunner.iOS/eShopOnContainers.TestRunner.iOS.csproj Path to vulnerable library: /eShopOnContainers.TestRunner.iOS/eShopOnContainers.TestRunner.iOS.csproj,/eShopOnContainers.Droid/eShopOnContainers.Droid.csproj,/eShopOnContainers.TestRunner.Droid/eShopOnContainers.TestRunner.Droid.csproj,/eShopOnContainers.iOS/eShopOnContainers.iOS.csproj Dependency Hierarchy: -> ❌ newtonsoft.json.10.0.3.nupkg (Vulnerable Library) |
High | 7.5 | newtonsoft.json.10.0.3.nupkg | Upgrade to version: Newtonsoft.Json - 13.0.1;Microsoft.Extensions.ApiDescription.Server - 6.0.0 | None |
WS-2022-0161Path to vulnerable library: /packages/Newtonsoft.Json.10.0.3/lib/netstandard1.3/Newtonsoft.Json.dll Dependency Hierarchy: -> ❌ Newtonsoft.Json- (Vulnerable Library) |
High | 7.5 | Newtonsoft.Json- | Upgrade to version: Newtonsoft.Json - 13.0.1;Microsoft.Extensions.ApiDescription.Server - 6.0.0 | None |
WS-2022-0161Path to vulnerable library: /packages/Newtonsoft.Json.10.0.3/lib/netstandard1.0/Newtonsoft.Json.dll Dependency Hierarchy: -> ❌ Newtonsoft.Json- (Vulnerable Library) |
High | 7.5 | Newtonsoft.Json- | Upgrade to version: Newtonsoft.Json - 13.0.1;Microsoft.Extensions.ApiDescription.Server - 6.0.0 | None |
WS-2022-0161Path to vulnerable library: /packages/Newtonsoft.Json.10.0.3/lib/net45/Newtonsoft.Json.dll Dependency Hierarchy: -> ❌ Newtonsoft.Json- (Vulnerable Library) |
High | 7.5 | Newtonsoft.Json- | Upgrade to version: Newtonsoft.Json - 13.0.1;Microsoft.Extensions.ApiDescription.Server - 6.0.0 | None |
WS-2022-0161Path to vulnerable library: /packages/Newtonsoft.Json.10.0.3/lib/net35/Newtonsoft.Json.dll Dependency Hierarchy: -> ❌ Newtonsoft.Json- (Vulnerable Library) |
High | 7.5 | Newtonsoft.Json- | Upgrade to version: Newtonsoft.Json - 13.0.1;Microsoft.Extensions.ApiDescription.Server - 6.0.0 | None |
WS-2022-0161Path to vulnerable library: /packages/Newtonsoft.Json.10.0.3/lib/net20/Newtonsoft.Json.dll Dependency Hierarchy: -> ❌ Newtonsoft.Json- (Vulnerable Library) |
High | 7.5 | Newtonsoft.Json- | Upgrade to version: Newtonsoft.Json - 13.0.1;Microsoft.Extensions.ApiDescription.Server - 6.0.0 | None |
WS-2022-0161Path to vulnerable library: /packages/Newtonsoft.Json.10.0.3/lib/portable-net40+sl5+win8+wp8+wpa81/Newtonsoft.Json.dll Dependency Hierarchy: -> ❌ Newtonsoft.Json- (Vulnerable Library) |
High | 7.5 | Newtonsoft.Json- | Upgrade to version: Newtonsoft.Json - 13.0.1;Microsoft.Extensions.ApiDescription.Server - 6.0.0 | None |
WS-2022-0161Path to vulnerable library: /packages/Newtonsoft.Json.10.0.3/lib/net40/Newtonsoft.Json.dll Dependency Hierarchy: -> ❌ Newtonsoft.Json- (Vulnerable Library) |
High | 7.5 | Newtonsoft.Json- | Upgrade to version: Newtonsoft.Json - 13.0.1;Microsoft.Extensions.ApiDescription.Server - 6.0.0 | None |
WS-2022-0161Path to vulnerable library: /packages/Newtonsoft.Json.10.0.3/lib/portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81/Newtonsoft.Json.dll Dependency Hierarchy: -> ❌ Newtonsoft.Json- (Vulnerable Library) |
High | 7.5 | Newtonsoft.Json- | Upgrade to version: Newtonsoft.Json - 13.0.1;Microsoft.Extensions.ApiDescription.Server - 6.0.0 | None |
CVE-2019-0820Path to vulnerable library: /packages/System.Text.RegularExpressions.4.3.0/lib/netstandard1.6/System.Text.RegularExpressions.dll Dependency Hierarchy: -> ❌ System.Text.RegularExpressions-4.6.24705.01.dll (Vulnerable Library) |
High | 7.5 | System.Text.RegularExpressions-4.6.24705.01.dll | Upgrade to version: System.Text.RegularExpressions - 4.3.1 | None |
CVE-2019-0820Path to dependency file: /eShopOnContainers.TestRunner.iOS/eShopOnContainers.TestRunner.iOS.csproj Path to vulnerable library: /eShopOnContainers.TestRunner.iOS/eShopOnContainers.TestRunner.iOS.csproj,/eShopOnContainers.iOS/eShopOnContainers.iOS.csproj,/eShopOnContainers.TestRunner.Droid/eShopOnContainers.TestRunner.Droid.csproj,/eShopOnContainers.Droid/eShopOnContainers.Droid.csproj Dependency Hierarchy: -> ❌ system.text.regularexpressions.4.3.0.nupkg (Vulnerable Library) |
High | 7.5 | system.text.regularexpressions.4.3.0.nupkg | Upgrade to version: System.Text.RegularExpressions - 4.3.1 | None |
CVE-2019-0820Path to vulnerable library: /packages/System.Text.RegularExpressions.4.3.0/System.Text.RegularExpressions.4.3.0.nupkg Dependency Hierarchy: -> ❌ system.text.regularexpressions.4.3.0.nupkg (Vulnerable Library) |
High | 7.5 | system.text.regularexpressions.4.3.0.nupkg | Upgrade to version: System.Text.RegularExpressions - 4.3.1 | None |
CVE-2018-8292Path to dependency file: /eShopOnContainers.TestRunner.iOS/eShopOnContainers.TestRunner.iOS.csproj Path to vulnerable library: /eShopOnContainers.TestRunner.iOS/eShopOnContainers.TestRunner.iOS.csproj,/eShopOnContainers.TestRunner.Droid/eShopOnContainers.TestRunner.Droid.csproj,/eShopOnContainers.Droid/eShopOnContainers.Droid.csproj,/eShopOnContainers.iOS/eShopOnContainers.iOS.csproj Dependency Hierarchy: -> ❌ system.net.http.4.3.0.nupkg (Vulnerable Library) |
High | 7.5 | system.net.http.4.3.0.nupkg | Upgrade to version: System.Net.Http - 4.3.4;Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Utility - 6.1.0-rc.1 | None |
CVE-2018-8292Path to vulnerable library: /packages/System.Net.Http.4.3.0/runtimes/unix/lib/netstandard1.6/System.Net.Http.dll Dependency Hierarchy: -> ❌ System.Net.Http-4.6.24705.01.dll (Vulnerable Library) |
High | 7.5 | System.Net.Http-4.6.24705.01.dll | Upgrade to version: System.Net.Http - 4.3.4;Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Utility - 6.1.0-rc.1 | None |
CVE-2018-8292Path to vulnerable library: /packages/System.Net.Http.4.3.0/runtimes/win/lib/netcore50/System.Net.Http.dll Dependency Hierarchy: -> ❌ System.Net.Http-4.6.24705.01.dll (Vulnerable Library) |
High | 7.5 | System.Net.Http-4.6.24705.01.dll | Upgrade to version: System.Net.Http - 4.3.4;Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Utility - 6.1.0-rc.1 | None |
CVE-2018-8292Path to vulnerable library: /packages/System.Net.Http.4.3.0/runtimes/win/lib/netstandard1.3/System.Net.Http.dll Dependency Hierarchy: -> ❌ System.Net.Http-4.6.24705.01.dll (Vulnerable Library) |
High | 7.5 | System.Net.Http-4.6.24705.01.dll | Upgrade to version: System.Net.Http - 4.3.4;Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Utility - 6.1.0-rc.1 | None |
CVE-2018-8292Path to vulnerable library: /packages/System.Net.Http.4.3.0/runtimes/win/lib/net46/System.Net.Http.dll,/packages/System.Net.Http.4.3.0/lib/net46/System.Net.Http.dll Dependency Hierarchy: -> ❌ System.Net.Http-4.6.24705.01.dll (Vulnerable Library) |
High | 7.5 | System.Net.Http-4.6.24705.01.dll | Upgrade to version: System.Net.Http - 4.3.4;Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Utility - 6.1.0-rc.1 | None |
CVE-2022-0155Path to dependency file: /src/Web/WebSPA/package.json Path to vulnerable library: /src/Web/WebSPA/package.json Dependency Hierarchy: -> webpack-dev-server-4.7.3.tgz (Root Library) -> http-proxy-middleware-2.0.6.tgz -> http-proxy-1.18.1.tgz -> ❌ follow-redirects-1.7.0.tgz (Vulnerable Library) |
Medium | 6.5 | follow-redirects-1.7.0.tgz | Upgrade to version: follow-redirects - v1.14.7 | None |
CVE-2021-23386Path to dependency file: /src/Web/WebSPA/package.json Path to vulnerable library: /src/Web/WebSPA/package.json Dependency Hierarchy: -> webpack-dev-server-4.7.3.tgz (Root Library) -> bonjour-3.5.0.tgz -> multicast-dns-6.2.3.tgz -> ❌ dns-packet-1.3.1.tgz (Vulnerable Library) |
Medium | 6.5 | dns-packet-1.3.1.tgz | Upgrade to version: dns-packet - 5.2.2 | None |
CVE-2020-23064Path to dependency file: /src/Web/WebSPA/package.json Path to vulnerable library: /src/Web/WebSPA/package.json Dependency Hierarchy: -> ❌ jquery-3.4.1.tgz (Vulnerable Library) |
Medium | 6.1 | jquery-3.4.1.tgz | Upgrade to version: jquery - 3.5.0 | None |
CVE-2020-11023Path to dependency file: /src/Web/WebSPA/package.json Path to vulnerable library: /src/Web/WebSPA/package.json Dependency Hierarchy: -> ❌ jquery-3.4.1.tgz (Vulnerable Library) |
Medium | 6.1 | jquery-3.4.1.tgz | Upgrade to version: jquery - 3.5.0;jquery-rails - 4.4.0 | None |
CVE-2020-11022Path to dependency file: /src/Web/WebSPA/package.json Path to vulnerable library: /src/Web/WebSPA/package.json Dependency Hierarchy: -> ❌ jquery-3.4.1.tgz (Vulnerable Library) |
Medium | 6.1 | jquery-3.4.1.tgz | Upgrade to version: jQuery - 3.5.0 | None |
CVE-2022-0536Path to dependency file: /src/Web/WebSPA/package.json Path to vulnerable library: /src/Web/WebSPA/package.json Dependency Hierarchy: -> webpack-dev-server-4.7.3.tgz (Root Library) -> http-proxy-middleware-2.0.6.tgz -> http-proxy-1.18.1.tgz -> ❌ follow-redirects-1.7.0.tgz (Vulnerable Library) |
Medium | 5.9 | follow-redirects-1.7.0.tgz | Upgrade to version: follow-redirects - 1.14.8 | None |
CVE-2021-4231Path to dependency file: /src/Web/WebSPA/package.json Path to vulnerable library: /src/Web/WebSPA/package.json Dependency Hierarchy: -> ❌ core-7.2.10.tgz (Vulnerable Library) |
Medium | 5.4 | core-7.2.10.tgz | Upgrade to version: @angular/core -10.2.5,11.0.5 ,11.1.0-next.3 | None |
✔️ Remediated vulnerabilities:
CVE | Vulnerable Library |
CVE-2022-2421 | socket.io-parser-3.2.0.tgz |
WS-2020-0450 | handlebars-4.0.13.tgz |
CVE-2019-10744 | lodash-4.17.11.tgz |
CVE-2018-20821 | node-sass-v4.11.0 |
CVE-2021-23383 | handlebars-4.0.13.tgz |
CVE-2018-11499 | opennms-opennms-source-23.0.0-1 |
CVE-2021-37712 | tar-4.4.1.tgz |
CVE-2020-7608 | yargs-parser-7.0.0.tgz |
CVE-2018-20834 | tar-4.4.1.tgz |
CVE-2018-11696 | node-sass-4.11.0.tgz |
CVE-2018-19837 | node-sass-4.11.0.tgz |
CVE-2019-19919 | handlebars-4.0.13.tgz |
CVE-2019-6284 | node-sass-4.11.0.tgz |
CVE-2020-7693 | sockjs-0.3.19.tgz |
CVE-2018-19839 | node-sass-4.11.0.tgz |
CVE-2020-8124 | url-parse-1.4.4.tgz |
WS-2018-0347 | eslint-2.13.1.tgz |
CVE-2018-19827 | node-sass-4.11.0.tgz |
CVE-2021-32804 | tar-4.4.1.tgz |
CVE-2018-20821 | opennms-opennms-source-23.0.0-1 |
WS-2020-0344 | is-my-json-valid-2.19.0.tgz |
CVE-2019-0548 | microsoft.aspnetcore.app.2.2.0.nupkg |
CVE-2018-19838 | node-sass-4.11.0.tgz |
CVE-2019-6286 | opennms-opennms-source-23.0.0-1 |
CVE-2021-44906 | minimist-1.1.3.tgz |
CVE-2018-20822 | opennms-opennms-source-23.0.0-1 |
CVE-2019-10746 | mixin-deep-1.3.1.tgz |
CVE-2022-1650 | eventsource-1.0.7.tgz |
CVE-2019-20920 | handlebars-4.0.13.tgz |
CVE-2021-37713 | tar-2.2.1.tgz |
CVE-2020-28481 | socket.io-2.1.1.tgz |
CVE-2022-24771 | node-forge-0.7.5.tgz |
CVE-2018-11694 | node-sass-4.11.0.tgz |
WS-2020-0342 | is-my-json-valid-2.19.0.tgz |
CVE-2019-10747 | set-value-2.0.0.tgz |
CVE-2022-48282 | mongodb.driver.2.5.0.nupkg |
CVE-2021-27515 | url-parse-1.4.4.tgz |
CVE-2022-21681 | marked-0.4.0.tgz |
CVE-2018-20822 | node-sass-4.11.0.tgz |
CVE-2022-33987 | got-6.7.1.tgz |
CVE-2019-18797 | node-sass-4.11.0.tgz |
CVE-2019-13173 | fstream-1.0.11.tgz |
CVE-2021-23337 | lodash-4.17.11.tgz |
CVE-2019-6286 | node-sass-4.11.0.tgz |
CVE-2022-0691 | url-parse-1.4.4.tgz |
CVE-2020-36049 | socket.io-parser-3.2.0.tgz |
CVE-2022-24772 | node-forge-0.7.5.tgz |
CVE-2018-20834 | tar-2.2.1.tgz |
CVE-2020-7660 | serialize-javascript-1.5.0.tgz |
CVE-2021-23369 | handlebars-4.0.13.tgz |
CVE-2020-7608 | yargs-parser-10.1.0.tgz |
CVE-2022-25758 | scss-tokenizer-0.2.3.tgz |
CVE-2019-20922 | handlebars-4.0.13.tgz |
CVE-2021-37713 | tar-4.4.1.tgz |
CVE-2018-11698 | opennms-opennms-source-23.0.0-1 |
CVE-2021-23807 | jsonpointer-4.0.1.tgz |
CVE-2022-0639 | url-parse-1.4.4.tgz |
CVE-2018-11697 | CSS::Sass-v3.3.0 |
CVE-2018-20821 | node-sass-4.11.0.tgz |
CVE-2021-32804 | tar-2.2.1.tgz |
CVE-2021-37712 | tar-2.2.1.tgz |
WS-2020-0042 | acorn-5.7.2.tgz |
CVE-2020-8203 | lodash-4.17.11.tgz |
WS-2020-0127 | npm-registry-fetch-3.9.0.tgz |
CVE-2018-11697 | opennms-opennms-source-23.0.0-1 |
CVE-2021-23364 | browserslist-4.5.2.tgz |
CVE-2018-11499 | node-sass-4.11.0.tgz |
CVE-2019-0564 | microsoft.aspnetcore.app.2.2.0.nupkg |
CVE-2021-3664 | url-parse-1.4.4.tgz |
CVE-2019-18797 | opennms-opennms-source-23.0.0-1 |
CVE-2023-0842 | xml2js-0.4.19.tgz |
CVE-2022-0144 | shelljs-0.8.3.tgz |
CVE-2022-37598 | uglify-js-3.4.9.tgz |
CVE-2022-0437 | karma-4.0.1.tgz |
CVE-2020-7720 | node-forge-0.7.5.tgz |
CVE-2018-19839 | CSS::Sass-v3.3.0 |
CVE-2022-46175 | json5-1.0.1.tgz |
WS-2020-0042 | acorn-6.1.1.tgz |
CVE-2018-20190 | opennms-opennms-source-23.0.0-1 |
WS-2019-0169 | marked-0.4.0.tgz |
CVE-2020-28500 | lodash-4.17.11.tgz |
CVE-2020-7598 | minimist-1.2.0.tgz |
CVE-2019-16769 | serialize-javascript-1.5.0.tgz |
CVE-2018-19797 | node-sass-4.11.0.tgz |
CVE-2020-7608 | yargs-parser-5.0.0.tgz |
CVE-2020-7598 | minimist-1.1.3.tgz |
CVE-2018-20190 | node-sass-4.11.0.tgz |
CVE-2022-24773 | node-forge-0.7.5.tgz |
CVE-2021-32803 | tar-2.2.1.tgz |
CVE-2019-10747 | set-value-0.4.3.tgz |
CVE-2019-10795 | undefsafe-2.0.2.tgz |
CVE-2022-0122 | node-forge-0.7.5.tgz |
CVE-2022-25858 | terser-3.17.0.tgz |
WS-2019-0064 | handlebars-4.0.13.tgz |
CVE-2022-37603 | loader-utils-1.2.3.tgz |
CVE-2021-23413 | jszip-3.2.0.tgz |
CVE-2022-48285 | jszip-3.2.0.tgz |
CVE-2022-38900 | decode-uri-component-0.2.0.tgz |
WS-2020-0208 | highlight.js-9.12.0.tgz |
WS-2020-0163 | marked-0.4.0.tgz |
CVE-2020-28502 | xmlhttprequest-ssl-1.5.5.tgz |
CVE-2020-8116 | dot-prop-4.2.0.tgz |
CVE-2021-23440 | set-value-0.4.3.tgz |
CVE-2021-37701 | tar-4.4.1.tgz |
CVE-2021-32803 | tar-4.4.1.tgz |
WS-2020-0443 | socket.io-2.1.1.tgz |
CVE-2018-19797 | opennms-opennms-source-23.0.0-1 |
WS-2019-0310 | https-proxy-agent-2.2.1.tgz |
CVE-2019-1302 | microsoft.aspnetcore.app.2.2.0.nupkg |
CVE-2018-19838 | opennms-opennms-source-23.0.0-1 |
CVE-2020-7598 | minimist-0.0.8.tgz |
CVE-2022-21680 | marked-0.4.0.tgz |
CVE-2021-31597 | xmlhttprequest-ssl-1.5.5.tgz |
CVE-2021-23440 | set-value-2.0.0.tgz |
CVE-2020-28469 | glob-parent-3.1.0.tgz |
WS-2019-0209 | marked-0.4.0.tgz |
CVE-2021-43138 | async-2.6.2.tgz |
CVE-2021-44906 | minimist-1.2.0.tgz |
WS-2019-0307 | mem-1.1.0.tgz |
CVE-2019-6283 | opennms-opennms-source-23.0.0-1 |
WS-2019-0605 | opennms-opennms-source-23.0.0-1 |
WS-2019-0063 | js-yaml-3.13.0.tgz |
WS-2020-0091 | http-proxy-1.17.0.tgz |
WS-2019-0180 | lodash.mergewith-4.6.1.tgz |
WS-2020-0345 | jsonpointer-4.0.1.tgz |
CVE-2020-36048 | engine.io-3.2.1.tgz |
CVE-2022-25881 | http-cache-semantics-3.8.1.tgz |
CVE-2020-24025 | node-sass-4.11.0.tgz |
CVE-2018-19827 | opennms-opennms-source-23.0.0-1 |
CVE-2019-1075 | microsoft.aspnetcore.app.2.2.0.nupkg |
WS-2022-0008 | node-forge-0.7.5.tgz |
CVE-2023-28155 | request-2.88.0.tgz |
CVE-2022-0512 | url-parse-1.4.4.tgz |
WS-2018-0650 | useragent-2.3.0.tgz |
CVE-2022-37601 | loader-utils-1.2.3.tgz |
CVE-2019-6283 | node-sass-4.11.0.tgz |
CVE-2020-28499 | merge-1.2.1.tgz |
CVE-2019-20149 | kind-of-6.0.2.tgz |
CVE-2019-10744 | lodash.mergewith-4.6.1.tgz |
CVE-2021-37701 | tar-2.2.1.tgz |
CVE-2022-0144 | shelljs-0.6.1.tgz |
CVE-2022-0686 | url-parse-1.4.4.tgz |
CVE-2019-6284 | opennms-opennms-source-23.0.0-1 |
CVE-2018-11697 | node-sass-4.11.0.tgz |
CVE-2021-23495 | karma-4.0.1.tgz |
CVE-2021-44906 | minimist-0.0.8.tgz |
CVE-2017-18869 | chownr-1.0.1.tgz |
CVE-2022-41940 | engine.io-3.2.1.tgz |
Base branch total remaining vulnerabilities: 173
Base branch commit: null
Total libraries scanned: 1149
Scan token: 130c441d15034297a12c12e726b2f071