This is an simple abstraction of Docker (For now) Services API to easily and safely manage services from anywhere.
Build and deploy:
docker build -t mcs:latest . && docker run -d -p 80:80 -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock mcs:latest
Deployments of apps with Console.dll:
$ dotnet Console/bin/Debug/net5.0/Console.dll -h
Usage: Console ...
Interact com MyContainerService
-u, --url=VALUE The url of grpc endpoints
-f, --file=VALUE The yaml or json of service or tar of image to be
-t, --tag=VALUE The image tag to build and update.
-p, --param=VALUE The param to build. Ex: foo=bar
-s, --stream Use streaming transfer to build images.
-b, --buffer=VALUE The buffer size to streaming image build
-a, --action=VALUE The action to perform (create,update,remove)
-w, --write Write yaml example
-h, --help Print help
- Tests, tests, tests and more tests.
- GRPC Endpoint.
- CLI that recives MyService json to pass on Endpoint writed in Golang.
- Load docker-compose.yaml.
- GRPC Authentication.
- Integrate with Kubernetes.
- UI prefered in VueJS.
- Increment this ToDo.