- Install Anaconda distribution with recommended settings
- Manually update PATH to make Python and Jupyter available to all programs outside Anaconda
- Update the default working folder for Jupyter
enter this in Anaconda prompt
jupyter notebook --generate-config
this generates a new file
edit this file and uncomment and update the line below (use your preferred location here, remember to use double backslashes for path)
c.NotebookApp.notebook_dir = 'D:\\dev\\code'
- Place these two batch files in a local folder -
Launch Jupyter Lab.bat
&Launch Jupyter Notebook.bat
- along with the icon files (available in the repo) - Right-click them and "Send to > Desktop (create shortcut)"
- Move these shortcut files to the Start Menu folder
C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs
- Right-click the shortcut files and select Properties > Advanced and select the checkbox 'Run as administrator'
- Also select Properties > Change Icon > Browse > select the corresponding ico file
- Optionally right-click these items in Start menu and select 'Pin to Start"